Chapter 3

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3rd Person POV

It's been 10 weeks since the disappearance of little Yn Rose...and today
it was his birthday
Almost everybody forgot about him, except Ozpin and Summer who were
still looking into it

And, to give credit where credit is due, Raven would occasionally help
to scout the grounds for his body
But every time they would search the place of his disappearance, all the
clues would lead back to "Fredbears Family Pizza Place"

Summer:"Oz, please!"
Ozpin:"Summer, I would like to help. But a break in is a crime"
Summer:"yes...I know, but something about those robots is...not right"
Ozpin:"Then why not ask the owner to investigate?"
Summer:"we already did, he just said to keep our noses out of his business!"
 Ozpin:"well...there might be something I can do"
Summer:"like what?"

*Small trip to FredBears*

The small group opens the doors to FredBears, to find it empty
it had not yet opened
The manager was there, seemed like he was..."checking" the robots for
their performance before the opening 

Fn:"the place is closed, come back in a-...oh, it's you lads"
Summer:"yes, it is us!"
Fn:"I told you stays a no"
Raven:"I will make sure that you d-!"
Ozpin:"raven...please, now Mr. Ln my name is Ozpin, headmaster of beacon"
Fn:" know where the door is HeAdMaStEr of beacon"

Summer put her hand in font of her mouth to stop herself from laughing
at his childish action
Raven and Ozpin were not so pleased, and Ozpin took a deep breath before
approaching Fn 

Ozpin:"we are here to investigate on a case of a lost child, by not letting us
you could be marked as a suspect and this would then go to
the police to shut it down and continue the search for him, if found or not this
place would stay closed
And there would be your business AND all the lien you put here gone"

Fn looks down slowly, he knew ozpin isn't bluffing and IF the place
gets shut down...that's it for him
He sighed and looked up at the three, he shook his head and looked
at the watch on his hand

Fn:"you have half of an hour to look for whatever, if you need me...don't"

Summer hopped up in happiness and Raven just rolled her eyes at her
childish act
Ozpin then nodded to the two and the first thing he did was check the
robots on stage

Ozpin:"you go ahead, look around...I'ma look at these pieces for a bit"
Raven/Summer:"got it!"

They went on their way, summer into the backroom...cuz there are always
secrets in the backrooms
While Raven goes down the 3rd Hall to check on the cameras to see if they
got anything

In the backroom Summer found some VHS tapes scattered around on
the table, couple of bottles (vodka)
And "baby powder" on the table, some shelfs that are empty...except for one
VHS tape that seemed to be...a bit more purple then the others

There was an old VHS player that seems usable, and an old
huge TV
Summer got to it and put the VHS tape inside, it showed static before a dark room just like this one 


Voice of Fn:"I failed you...I failed them all, I couldn't save them...
I couldn't save child

The camera panned through the room, the room itself was dark if it were not to
a small light, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between full darkness
and that room
The camera then stopped at the Fredbear animatronic, it showed the date...eleven weeks
ago, to be more exact with the date (the MOST exact you'll hear from me)

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