Well...i have decided

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Well, this story MIGHT STILL be getting some uploads from time to time, but i've 
made a SEPERATE story
Sort of similar to this one, but the time line will gooo on and on and on...in other 
words it's so shit you need to read more so you could get used to 
reading my shit

Now, the story link(sorry mobile users) is 
And the front picture is 

com/968385204-abused-male-reader-yn-x-rwby-bio-chapter-1And the front picture is 

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it is of course not mine, can't draw for shit. Now the point of me rewriting this was because
i...i don't know, it just so happened that i wanted to do it
Now that i've completed that...guessss there is nothing else to do, oh yea. If you wish to read it
but can't access the link

Just go on my page, it should....should be the first book to appear there, now i am on my 
way, to hell called the last day of resting
Wish you all luck in school, and hope you are all doing well and are heathy...so now i am gone
bye...uhhh, bye bye (plshelpmeidkhowtofinishthischapetrpersay)

 Male Reader x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now