Chapter four

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##Let not your heart be so attached to yesterday but do not forget what  it taught you. Never be disheartened for today as it is important to know how to make use of it without losing the sight of your goal. ##

     On Saturday, Jasmine was dressed up for the vacation, she was to go to the park where her parents van was waiting. She wore an above kneel length jumpsuit and a pump shoe.
  Victoria was already waiting for her out the apartment.

"hurry up Jassy ". Victoria said as Jasmine locked the door.

"I'm done already ". Jasmine said. They stopped a cab and entered. Ten minutes later they got off the cab and went straight to the waiting van.

" hello mum". Jasmine greeted her mum.

" hello Mrs Hunter ". Victoria greeted too.

"what took you guys so long? ". Matty frowned at them.

"er...... ".

" just enter ". Matty snapped in.
Jasmine opened the back door of the van to enter just then she shranked back against Victoria.

"what the fuck! ". Victoria scorned at her.

" look vicky". Jasmine said, pointing at the van. Victoria looked, she was startled to see Klein inside.

" what are you doing here? ". Jasmine asked him still pointing at him.

"I should be asking you that". Klein said and got down from the van. He folded his arms.

"This is my van, and I have every right  to know..... ".

"your van? ".klein cut in "it's mine".

"are you crazy? ". Jasmine frowned.

"yeah, I am". He put on his headphone. Jasmine walked up to her mother.

"mum, what's our business with that guy there? ".

"oh,  you mean that handsome guy? ".Matty smirked. " he's your dad's business partner nephew ".

" the one following us". Jasmine inquired.

Jasmine glared at Klein.

"C'mon let's get in, your dad is already coming ". Matty said and walked towards the van.  Victoria entered, Matty entered then Jasmine.

"Klein, come on get inside ". Marty said.

" he can't hear you ". Victoria whispered to Matty.

"cos he's listening to music again ". Jasmine scoffed.  Seconds later Gareth entered with his wife then Tom. Klein entered too. The van zoomed off.

"you can't sit in between a couple ". Matty suddenly said to Jasmine . Jasmine raised an eyebrow.

" where do I sit then? ". She asked.

"sit beside Klein ".

"Huh? ".

"just sit down, now! ".
She stood up and moved towards the seat, she suddenly stumbled her feet against Victoria's leg which made her fall on klein laps.

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