Chapter 2 - Talk of the town

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"Excuse me ?" I replied

"You heard me, you're only acting like this because he's hot." said the annoying little thorn in my side.

"Let me at her!" Said my feisty best friend aching for a fight.

"Calm down Lyc, I'll deal with her."

"Chanel, listen to me very carefully you incompetent spawn of the devil. I was talking to our teacher, not you and  whether or not I'm faking doesn't concern you, so stay out of it. " I said in a very calm tone

" All I'm saying is if you're faking it that's selfish because there are kids here who actually need help." Said the little snake pretending to be sympathetic.

"Don't act like you care, you never cared before. The kids here rarely give a damn about school. There are only a few who have a genuine interest. If you did care, you'd know that. That just goes to say you're an entitled little princess who hasn't learn to stop riding on daddy's coattails."

" How dare you?" She said with rage burning in her eyes

"It's just facts!" I said shrugging my shoulders. "I mean who pretends to care for someone." I said absolutely repulsed

"Whatever, who cares about underprivileged children." she said exposing her true colors

"Exactly my point, you disgust me. Have you no respect for the people that have no money to take care of themselves but still make an effort to take care of their family?" I asked actually concerned

"Talk to me, whenever you have grasped the concept of respect. You are a disgrace of a human being who is bereft to showing even an ounce of sympathy. Also, next time I'm talking to someone don't cut in" I said to her

"Miss Parker wait for a moment." said an authoritative tone "Miss umm" 

" Stone, you can call me Chanel though handsome." Said the thirsty b*tch

"Miss Stone that is a very inappropriate way to speak to your teacher and if you address me like that again I will report you to the principal. Do I make myself clear?"

"Y-Yes, sir." said Chanel in a scared voice

He sounded so cold compared to how he dealt with me before. It seemed shocking that one moment ago he was being so sweet.

"Now back to your question, yes I will be doing private classes for my students who need help."

Back to that sweet yet dangerous voice that makes my body becomes filled with ecstasy.

"O-Ok s-sir," I said and left to the room with Lycia

(Liam's POV)

As I was going through the files of students on my desk I came across the very person I was looking for Ionia Parker, beautiful, astounding, intelligent, what was she not? As I'm going through her file I feel an intense gaze fixed on me I look up and saw Ionia an once again our eyes met. She opened her mouth and started to stutter. I chuckled at the sight for it was rather cute. I teased her a little bit and this time she stuttered the whole sentence. I was satisfied with her little display so satisfied that a smirk ran across my face. This wonderful moment was once again interrupted by the blonde hair girl whose name I've come to learn is Chanel. She was making some rude comments to my Ionia which for some reason made my blood boiled. I was so angry at her and ready to lash out but then Ionia set her straight. This made me even more intrigued by her. I knew there was something about her that intrigued me but her doing that was the icing on top of the cake. At that moment I knew I just knew she had to be mine I was ready to go to any and everything length. From now on I'll keep a very close eye on her.

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