school is waiting

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days have passed since the shocking news. The whole school now know about what happend to her. Everybody starting to send letters to her brother since he was the only one who survived the incident. They hoped that it could ease her brother's pain after loosing his only family that he had left.

But then here we have, the one and only Draco Malfoy. He was sitting on the 'fence' of the bridge that connected the school building to the other building (check the pict on the top).

He sits there almost every single day, always watching the sky, the birds, the clouds, everything. Sometimes he even wished someone would use a spell on him and pushed him off the bridge so he finally could be with her.

As he was just sitting casually there, a girl suddenly approach him. "Drake" "what" he immediately said. "O.W.L. is going to start in a few minut-" "then just go kel". There you go, Kelsey Alvesta, a gryffindor btw who cares about Draco so much, too much actually.

Kelsey and Draco has been bestfriend since childhood. They first met when they were 4, and basically always stick to eachother after that.

They have a really beautiful friendship. She even started to call Draco 'drake'. And because of their long lasting friendship, both of them cared about eachother so much, but in this condition, i think it's more to Kelsey.

Draco skipped a lot of class after hearing the news and recently have been having depression. But Kelsey don't want Draco to get into more troubles and that's why she's here. "O.W.L. is more than important Drake" "I don't care. Just go" Draco said coldly.

Kelsey sigh and slowly walk away. When she reached her 8th step, she heard a soft sob. Her body was trying so bad not to turn around. She hardly try to keep walking. And on her 20th step, she realized that she can't leave Draco just like that. She turn back around and walk to Draco's direction.

She sit down right next to Draco. She slowly take one of Draco's hand and hold it with both of her hand and caress it slowly. She look up at Draco and her eyes immediately made a contact with his beautiful gray ones.

"You really need to let all of this go Drake" Kelsey said softly. Draco look down to his lap. How am i able to forget the one that i loved the most? He said in his head. "Hey" "look at me" kelsey softly say as Draco look back into her mixed green eyes.

"I don't think she wants to see you like this, right? I remember her giving you a birthday card saying that you need to be happy forever". Draco look down at his lap again as a single tear falls into his lap and followed by the second tear.

"I can't" "you can" "i can't-" "don't you once said that you can do everything? Even you can make animals talk to you? Which sadly i found out that it was a lie since the animal that you talked about was actually a dog and a frog toy".

Hearing that a small smile formed on Draco's lips. But immediately faded, but right after it faded Kelsey immediately put two of her finger on both of the corner of Draco's lips and formed it into a "U" shape. "Don't be a meanie and keep that smile please?" "bu-" "oh shut up,
you're smile is pretty idiot"

I lost who? I lost you - Draco Malfoy fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now