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I am happy you see my light,

But in the dark I hide,

The deepest secrets unraveled.

I am my own rival,

Thriving in the feat of fantasy!

There, were I shed my blood,

Fighting a war with my mirror.

I defeat my shadow without mercy!

Hence, I deserve none,

What you, bestow on me!

Life itself, in his words is a play,

You and me the roles we play.

Then why not my heart be the stage,

Where none see the story behind those veils.

I choose your vision,

For let it not be tainted by me.

It's never good there in the dungeons,

For I have captured the beast in me.

It roars and roars in the deepest night,

Alone for a long time stomping its misery!

A day comes, it unleashes,

To ravish my raw torn heart.

I offer them to it,

Because all I have are those fragments left.

Love, I am scared!

It I give!

But never I want!

Fear in it, scorches my burns,

For love so pure, brings me death.

I am scared to love, I am scared to confess!

Hence the story plays behind those veils,

As it reveals to show, the refined me.

Let it lay buried behind those threads,

For my reply, is my love for you.



Thank you love!
Here you are beary, my reply❤️

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