No orange juice day

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"Alone...completely alone...inside my own house..." Hajime sighed to himself, nervously biting his nails.
He knew the day, and the exact time.
And it wasn't good. It's an awful day that no one dares to speak about. If someone ever dared to touch the subject, even if they were kidding, Hajime would go out in a killing spree. No one would be able to stop the furious, wild hungry animal. That day has arrived yet again, each year, every year. People hide their stuff inside, and look outside the dark windows, trying to catch a glimpse of the outside, the sun, the sky, without being caught by Hajime. Or else bad things would happen. And you know why? Because today is called:
No orange juice day.
If he wanted to get his hands on some, he'd immediately feel so much ecstasy he would literally DIE AND EXPLODE.
No one can afford an exploding Hajime, hell, no one can even afford rice, imagine a whole cake made of orange.
Wait a goddamn minute...cake? Cake is still allowed in no orange days.
Hajime didn't know that as he lifted up from the couch and went towards his refrigerator.
He always kept orange juice bottles inside, but they're all filled with cold water instead.
Fool the mind, fool the taste, fool the eyes, fool the body.
That's what he thought, at least.
And sometimes it worked, no joke.
He happily took his seat back and turned on the tv, which showed nothing but a dancing Monokuma on stage while Monomi was apparently being forced to sing some silly childish song. Where is the crowd? Oh, a bunch of Monokuma replicas, shouting in excitement. Of course.
How boring was that? At a universe level. Hajime shook his head and turned it off, annoyed.
His head was still swimming and swimming, on a pool of orange.
Why does he love it so much? Maybe because it tastes good? Maybe it's appealing? Healthy? Or someone important to him used to drink it with him too? Is it even needed to know the reason behind things you won't really fully understand?
Of course, he can't drink it right now..nor later...nor at night...this day is stupid. It's all that stupid bear's fault, he thought.
Then, as he was about to smash the bottle, he heard a knock on the door.
Who could it be...?
Everyone is supposed to stay inside and relax, there's a whole new virus around, and people need to wear comfortable masks and not complain. So, with that information, who could be knocking on Hajime's door?
After hearing the knock for the 5th time, he got up and opened the door reluctantly.
Hajime dropped his bottle, but since it was plastic, all they heard was a dull sound. He gaped at the person, shocked.
"This must be...uh... a surprise, huh?" the familiar voice asked, laughing nervously.
"Who...who are you?" Hajime rubbed his eyes, trying to understand what was going on with his eyesight.
Maybe he's just seeing things.
"Well, I'm you of course, you can call me Hinata-cake." he smiled sweetly at Hajime.
"Hinata cake?" he repeated. "What....?"
"I've heard about no orange juice day, and I felt so bad for you... I just had to leave my country and visit you, my friend." he blushed slightly, and pointed behind Hajime. "May I come in?"
Still dumbfounded, Hajime let the other boy walk inside his house.
"W-what a's like you haven't done anything these days..." Hinata-cake looked around with a disgusted look.
Ah...yeah...of course he forgot to clean this up. But he was lazy, and he didn't expect any visitors. So cleaning wouldn't make any sense.
"How did you find me, exactly? And I still don't know who you are..." Hajime said, siting down.
"I read the news, on my phone, about everything closing and people going inside their houses and stuff...and then I had a brilliant idea!" Hinata-cake took out his phone from his pockets and began typing. "Even though no one dared to stop no orange juice day yet, we will make history now!"
"That...didn't answer the questions.." Hajime rolled his eyes. "But, are you sure about breaking the rules? Monokuma can execute you for that, he'll put you in a room for that"
Hinata-cake flashed him a cute smile before typing once more, and out of the blue, a big box appeared before them. It was wrapped nicely so Hajime had no idea what was inside.
"In my town, there's no cake day, so I figured I'd bring some of them and eat here. How about that? I help you, you help me, but you help me first." he said as he began unwrapping the present.
"There's many other towns around though...why me?" Hajime asked the other Hajime.
Well there was a difference between those two. Hajimes's eyes were a yellowish orange, and Hinata-cake's eyes were a light brown. But aside from that, it's same body, same hair, same almost everything, probably.
"Because...I observed you from afar, and I've taken quite a liking to you, Hajime!" he responded, taking out plates that were filled with chocolate cake."
"Uwa...." Hajime blushed, frowning. "That is...weird..but thanks, I guess."
"So, let's eat together!" he handed Hajime one plate as well.
Is it really okay? He wanted to ask. But he was so angry, he couldn't help but to enjoy eating cake with his new friend, Hinata-cake.
As soon as they were done chewing and swallowing every last piece, Hinata-cake offered his hand to Hajime. He took it and got up from his seat.
"Now, we shall drink all the orange juice you desire, alright?" he whispered, smiling.
"Yeah, just lead the way, then...but I don't want to get caught by Monokuma-"
"You mean, this one that's dancing to 'Toxic'?" Hinata-cake pointed at the tv.
"...I thought I turned it off-"
He shook his head and laughed.
"Well, off we go!"
Hajime smiled, he got surprised when Hinata-cake kissed his cheek. Was that an act of affection? He still has so many questions to ask this man. For example, where is the orange juice? Is it that far away?
He was asking himself that as he kissed the other's cheek back, which soon turned into a romantic kiss.
Maybe being his friend won't suck, and maybe drinking orange juice in no orange juice day will actually be fun and worthwhile, it's all thanks to this guy, Hinata-cake...
"Hey...from now on, I'll call you Haime, alright?" he suddenly said.
"Oh...Okay!" he let out a hum. "I think it's cute...hehe.."
Ah jeez, how has it turned into this? I wish I could go home.
Oh, I'm already home.
"I'm getting really hungry, so let's drink some orange juice, eat cake, and candy as well-" Haime stepped towards his front door, ready to go out.
"Y-yes, of course, my life..." he smiled softly. "After all...I'm yours, and you're mine."
A strange remark, yes...but who cares? They were both hungry. And one was feeding, the other receiving. The lies that everyone kept saying won't bother them anymore. No, they won't.

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