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My name is Kokichi Ouma, although I'm better known as 'The Super High School Level Supreme Leader'. Recently I got accepted into a school designed only for people with 'ultimate talents' like mine. Everyone has spirit animals, they're good company most the time but the downside is that they portray your deepest feelings very clearly and it can sometimes be a problem for a liar. So I keep mine in my bag, the cat gets a bit annoyed but oh well what can I do?

I look around the classroom I'm in and sigh, all these people look like losers, and not to mention, extremely boring. Maybe they all have the same talent! Super High School Level Boring.

My thoughts were interrupted as our form teacher waltzed in and placed her folder, most likely full of lesson plans and notes, on her desk at the front of the classroom.
"Good morning class, I hope you are all well and comfortable, welcome to your first official day at Hopes Peak Academy!" She beamed at us with blindingly white teeth,"This morning will be mostly admin and getting to know each other, but then you have the whole day to yourselves to get settled into your dorm rooms and to start learning your way around the school."

Oh fantastic, a chance to lie about myself and fool people to believe something I'm not.. this will be entertaining.
"First I think it would be nice to share everyone's talents, if you're comfortable with that, now.." She looked at the seating plan, "Himiko why don't you start off? Then Gonta, Angie, Maki and so on"

The red head looked up from her desk with drool down her face, "Nyeeh? Oh sorry I must have fallen asleep.. I'm the ultimate mage and my magic is most definitely real! It's not any sort of trick.. and my name is Himiko Yumeno" Her sloth spirit animal slowly looked up, squinting at everyone around, looking mildly surprised. I chuckled to myself

Man this is going to be boring.. I spaced out a bit, doodling on my leg with a pen I stole from a blonde girl; with music note hair clips until I felt someone nudge me. Oh my turn.

I put on a big grin and leaned back in my chair, putting on my smuggest voice I could muster and said, "I'm Kokichi Ouma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader! I'm also the president of Russia and can access all your search histories. That bit about Russia was a lie by the way~! Not the search histories though..."

Everyone stared at me with a mix of disbelief and annoyance, a girl with dark hair in pigtails muttered something like 'How childish..' Oh well, the goal was for people to stay away, except it didn't work for everyone.

The next two people stated their SHSL talent and then a boy with a black hat and dark blue hair spoke quietly while the girl who I stole from earlier whispered words of encouragement to him, "I'm Shuichi Saihara.. and I'm the Ultimate Detective... U-Uh- only 'cause I solved one murder case though, I'm not that special heh" He laughed awkwardly to himself as his bunny cowered below his chair and I swear my heart skipped a beat. Probably because of all the Panta I had, can't think of any other reason...

The rest of the admin class passed with me unconsciously staring at the navy haired detective while I daydreamed of a land where I could be free from my deceptive habit.

The bell finally rang for break and I found it very hard to contain my spirit animal as it was thrashing around in my bag, trying to get to Saihara. Eventually I retreated to the dorm rooms, closed the door and let it out. Checkers' fur was bristling as he walked away, trying to gain back his composure, "Sorry.. I know you hate it but it's necessary."

I lay on a bed by a window, farthest from the door and place Checkers on my chest. I stroke him, my mind wandering to the detective in my class. Probably the only interesting person in my class to be honest, which is rare for me to do.

Eventually my eyes grow heavy and the next moment I wake up. Checkers is no longer on my chest anymore. I look around, squinting and I see him on the other bed. Oh crap... He's lovingly rubbing himself against none other than Shuichi Saihara.

I get up quickly and Shuichi's dark yellow eyes flick to look at me. They soften, "Ah, Ouma-kun you're awake? Sorry did I wake you? I just came in." He muttered shyly.
"Oh no you didn't wake me don't worry... Hmm.. Saihara-chan!"
"S-Saihara-chan?? Alright then.." He gulped nervously, "Your spirit animal came right up to me straight away, i-isn't that weird?"

This time I was the one who gulped, "Yeah! Totally weird I feel slightly under the weather so maybe that's why!" I lied, snatching Checkers away, earning myself a scratch to the nose "Ow.. don't do that"
"Ouma-kun are you ok? You're bleeding, I'll get a plaster, I think I saw some in the bathroom.." Shuichi got up and disappeared into the en suite bathroom, coming back moments later with a pastel plaster in his hand "Sorry.. these were the only ones, I suppose they mixed the boys and girl ones up heh.. you don't mind right??"
I shook my head.
He peeled off the paper keeping it sticky and put it over the insignificant cut on my nose.
"Thanks Saihara-chan! It'll be loads better now." I beamed at him.
"That's good.." he checked his leather-strapped wrist watch and gasped, "Ah, dear it's already nine o'clock! We should sleep so not to be tired."

I lay down, I have insomnia so, often I can't sleep, and since I'm banned from pharmacies because I kept egging them, I have no medicine to help me. The ones I had before always fed my nightmares anyway.
Shuichi's little bunny hopped over to me, looking up with big yellow eyes. Picking it up and lying back down, I placed it next to me while Checkers sneakily crept over to Shuichi and lay next to him.

"Good night Ouma-kun"
"Good night.. Saihara-chan"

Then there was silence except the small click of the light switch and after that, nothing.


*Word count: 1075*
Thanks for reading, might not upload often if there is a low read count, also because I'm in school and it's very busy right now :)

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