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Y/n pov

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Y/n pov

"I'll stay on guard and watch the girls and. Pepper get them out of here last minute if needed, In case they cotton on to our plan"
I said as I walked alongside Steve we were finally doing this! Well they were, I was here in case it went sideways, thankful I didn't give up training, Valkyrie whipped me into warrior form and my powers well they're now more a part of me than ever before.

"Are you sure you're up to this?"
Steve asked, they were all kind of nervous, Rebecca read his mind a few months back and found out we had a plan to bring people back.
To say she was excited to meet her father and uncles was an understatement.

"Steve I'm the goddess of war and protection I got this, you just focus on your job and bring home my favorite men okay?"
I short back, he really looked out for me and Becca these last few years and I'd always be grateful.

"Certainly your majesty!"
He mocked me, I shook my head looking over the team.

"Be safe all of you,  please, please for the love of the gods be less stupid and reckless than normal"
I laughed out and gave them all hugs hoping it wouldn't be the last time I saw them.

"Uncle Steve?"
I turned to see Rebecca running off from where Tony, Pepper and Morgan were.

"Yeah Becca"
He really stood up to the plate looked after her like a father would of, Bucky couldn't so he would that was his sentiment.

"Can you really bring my Dad back?"
She asked this a lot and it broke my heart a little each time.

"We're going to try our best, but I have a mission for you"
He crouched down to her level, she loved her little missions from Captain America especially when she was able to use her abilities.

"What is it?"
She asked bouncing on the spot.

"Can you keep Morgan and Pepper safe?"
He asked in all seriousness, Rebecca was a little warrior princess and the pride of New Asgard so this would be a task she would happily take on.

"You know I can Uncle Steve"
She said punching him in the arm, she was incredibly strong for someone so young.

"Yeah I know, look after your mumma too"
Steve said with a laugh rubbing where she hit him.

"She doesn't need me to look out for her she's the toughest ever!!"
Becca said while punching the air it was quite cute, she was excited to possibly meet her dad and she trusted Steve without a doubt.

"That she is now you go with Morgan and her Mom"
He said as he pushed her slightly.

"Aunty Nat!!!!! Steve is going to bring my daddy back!!"
She yelled running to Nat and jumping up into her arms.

"That's exciting! I bet your Momma can't wait! Now you be good ok babe, I love you!"
Nat said as they all started to get really ready to do what they needed.

"Love you too Aunty Nat"
She kissed her on the cheek and gave her one last hug before running off to Morgan.

"She's sure excited, would hate to stuff this all up!"
Nat said as jokingly as she could and there was a huge chance it would fail I hoped so much for it not to.

"Yous won't You're the avengers, be safe Nat, I love you!"
I pulled her into my arms, Nat was my sister all of them my family and not being there with them... well I hated it.

"I love you too Y/n"
She said back, I walked off the machine over looking making sure the time machine worked correctly and before I knew it they were back.

I looked over the group and my eyes landed on Clint, Nat.....

I walked up to him already crying, dropping to my knees we held onto each other.
"She had to"

"I know Nat wouldn't go unless it was necessary"
I sniffled, I wanted to scream and lash out but we had a job to do.

"She wanted me to tell you she loves you and the next Barnes baby has to be named after her"
I laughed slightly even though my heart was aching.

I stood up and pulled Clint to stand, I smiled at him before I walked away, I needed to cry, I needed to scream I couldn't hold it in, I went to the hulk containment room hoping that would be fortified enough.

Pressing in the code the door opened and I near ran in, someone would find me eventually but for now I was alone.

I let out my pain screaming until my throat was raw, the walls charing when my electricity hit, the pain of losing someone else was killing me, what if we couldn't get them all back.

Soon I had tired myself out sitting in the blackened room when the door opened and a red eyed Steve walked in. He didn't say anything just rushed to me and hugged me.

"I don't want to lose anyone else Steve!"
I whimpered pathetically as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You won't, I won't let that happen I promise you"
His eyes showed just how serious he was, he lifted his hand to wipe away my tears before placing a kiss to my forehead.

Suddenly I felt something.
"He's coming!! I'm getting Pepper and the girls out of here tell Tony ok I'll be back as soon as I can once I know they're safe"
I called out, teleporting out of the room and straight to the girls glamoring myself so the girls didn't worry.

"Time to go ladies"
I said as I opened the portal, holding onto the three of them I walked them through closing the portal behind me.

"I'm going to scan the area"
I said, Pepper nodded and got the girls set up watching TV with some snacks.

The coast was clear, I made my way back to the house walking inside Pepper was in the kitchen already looking at me.

"How bad?"
She asked she knew I saw something, my powers were hard to navigate but my visions that flickered were those of battle not of forsite so much.

"Bad, and that's why I can't stay, I'm crucial for this to all work"
I said nervously.

"You don't think you'll make it back? What about Bec?"
She was worried I was too.

"I'm doing this for her but if my plan works I will be fine"
I hoped but I said it with confidence if I did it all right I'd survive, all of us would.

"Who did we lose?"
She asked fiddling with her nails, I looked at her knowingly as a tear immediately slid over my cheeks.

I said looking up to hide my tears. Soon we were interrupted by two little girls big old smiles across their faces and instantly Pepper and I put on our Mom faces.

"Remember to look after them of Baby?"
I asked holding back my tears.
"I have to go help everyone"

"I will Mumma!!"
She said proudly.

"I love you princess"
I said placing one last kiss on her forehead I stood and turned, hugging Pepper and Morgan before leaving the house to get to a safe place to portal back.

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