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The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was.
Lovers don't finally meet somewhere.
They're in each other all along.


Sleep finds me easily, I had fallen asleep in the car ride from Seattle to Forks. It felt like I was floating when I woke up and I hauled my body out of the car towards the new house we would be living in. My mother was saying something in her lilted British accent. It had faded over the years we had lived in America. Her voice carried me to where my room was, up some innumerable stairs and left to a hallway that led to my new bathroom and bedroom. It was an accomplishment that I didn't trip in my lethargy on the way to the bed but there was no time to celebrate as I fell asleep as my head hit the bed.

The next morning I woke to my mom yelling to come down for breakfast. It's nothing new but there's no sound of my dad yelling back for her to quiet down in response. The thought of it makes me smile as I sit up in my bed and look around the room. It's all my stuff but it's completely different I have two big windows and a window seat like I had always wanted. It was perfect, just like my mom said.

She had come here on the weekends to set everything up so I wouldn't have to do so right before school started. I didn't waste time as she yelled again and realized I was still in jeans from yesterday. Changing into sweatpants and tying my dark brown, almost black hair, into a founding fathers glam ponytail I bounded down the stairs.

The house was cute in pictures but even cuter in person. The sun, rare for this time of year in Washington, shone through the window onto the table where my mom sat with tea and pancakes for me. It was the perfect calm Sunday, if not for the impending doom of senior year starting tomorrow.

"How do you like the house melu?" My mothers nickname for me never failed to make me smile, anyone else saying it would make me gag.

"It's perfect, it's cute and cozy and perfect." I kissed her on the cheek and sat down in front of her, sipping on the chai and feeling instantly calmer. My mother was British, born and raised in Manchester, and my father was Pakistani and met my mom in England when he did his Masters. They had recently divorced. He stayed back in Seattle for work and my mother was a environmentalist so we moved to Forks since there was no lack of forestry and water to care for. Moving in my last year of high school was not a great idea, admittedly, but we couldn't stand another year living with my dad. I was set to go wherever I wanted in state or out and moving to a different high school in state wasn't nearly as drastic as expected.

I did miss my friends but since I would see my dad every other weekend I could visit them too.  I loved him but the divorce was inevitable I had known that for as long as I could remember and I could never leave my mother, so staying with her made sense.

Forks would be my year of self-discovery, of freedom and adolescence before I went off to whatever university. Maybe I would even begin to call this place home.

(i feel like it'll be easier to get this out of the way in the beginning)
- 5'4, 130 pounds, medium sized on the curvier side
- dark brown almost black curly/wavy hair, medium length
- dark brown eyes with long lashes and thick eyebrows
- light brown skin think zoe saldana complexion
- half south asian (pakistani) & half caucasian

hi there i'm super excited to write again! i've written other fanfics, none of them about twilight, and i thought it was only fitting as there's a new wave of fans and i can't get this idea out of my head, this chap is short as a lil intro but the actual chaps will be longer!

a lil ab myself i'm from WA too and yes this is slightly self-insert on the main character but this story WILL NOT follow smeyer's vampire mythology 100% i'm taking some liberty because frankly some of it makes no sense to me still

also the character is muslim but this is not a major theme in this story, her religion comes up occasionally in the story, she was raised muslim but she isn't perfect

i hope you enjoy and continue to support this story x

oh ps yes this will be in 1st person and will switch bt edward and the main character (maybe other characters if it's fitting)

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