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Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change.



I had laid my heart out for her but for some reason it felt as if I was the open book and she the hidden treasure. I would have to unfurl her pages.


I was overthinking. Edward had dropped me off after school, I had very loosely told my friends what happened but I was careful with my words, very aware of the prying vampire ears. It was all happening too quickly. Edward was a bridge over a stormy sea but I still needed to calm the sea.

Firstly I needed to talk, really talk. I called my best friend from Seattle, Clari. There was no way Edward had access to her thoughts or our conversation. I explained everything excluding the vampire parts.

"So a very hot very understanding guy is crazy about you? Wow I didn't think you would find anyone in Forks since no one caught your attention in Seattle." Clari always made me feel better, less crazy for overthinking.

"Yeah but the issue is my parents..."

"Your dad," she knew everything, was always there for support when I cried a little too hard before school and needed to conceal my red eyes.


"Well a secret boyfriend is kinda hot though right?"

"In theory but in practice I will die from the stress. Also it's unfair to him."

"Talk to him about it and if that's how you both feel then deal with that. One step at a time babe, from what you're telling me Edward sounds like he would get you the moon if he could." I found myself smiling at her words, she was right he would if he could. I thanked her for her advice and that I would do as she said, we talked about our weeks like we usually did when we called. I was supposed to meet her in another week, it had only been days since I saw my father, but everything in my life had changed.

I wanted to see Edward, have him climb in through my window and lay beside me and talk to him all night long but that was selfish and stupid. Also disrespecting and sneaking behind my mother's back further. I settled on texting him.

Edward, I owe you an explanation

For what?

You told me everything but I haven't

It has been quite the trying past couple days, it's okay

Can you talk, on the phone?

You know I can drive to you in minutes

Your face is distracting, call me please?

Call Incoming: Edward

I picked up with a grin on my face.

"I thought I couldn't dazzle you?" He was teasing me and honestly I deserved it, that text was humiliating but it was the truth. If he were in front of me I wouldn't be able to focus on anything other than his lips or eyes.

"You can't but you're also annoyingly handsome despite my weird immunity," I could practically see the crooked smile he would be smiling.

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