Once a Criminal, Always a Criminal

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Angie POV 

OMG!! Im super excited Larry is back from jail! It makes me happy to see him in his own clothing. Its beautiful. Once he was dressed me and him got in my car and was on the way to see his crew and Lilo. During the car ride there though was kinda strange. Larry was unusually quiet. I tried to talk to him but he wasnt responding. Thats strange. I thought he would have a lot to say since he was locked up. I figured he'd have some stories to tell. But nope. Just as quiet like he wasnt there. Once We finally arrived at my place the huge truck they had drove to the hospital when Lilo got sick was parked in my driveway. Great! His crew is here. Just in time for the surprise! I parked the car out front and as soon as I did Laurent got out of the car. He was followed by the guys and Lilo. It would've been a cool exit from the car but Lilo fell when she jumped down from the car. Lau had to pick her up and keep from laughing. Ha it was kinda funny. 

When the guys got out of the car so did Larry and Angie. Larry was wearing a white T shirt, black jeans, and black and white jordans. His twist were pulled back in a ponytail, and his look was making Angie stare. When Lilo saw him come around the car she ran full speed to jump in his arms. "Daddy you Home!!" Larry smiled hard as he greeted her back with a big hug. "Aww my baby! I miss you soooo much!" Their little moment made Angie's heart melt and the crew tear up a bit. Larry held on tight to her and Lilo held tight to him. He rubbed her back as he closed his eyes and spoke in French. When she looked back up at him she looked in his eyes and said, "I love you Daddy." It was so sweet it even got a reaction out of Laurent. "Aww baby, I love you too." 

An hour or so later there was cake, food, drinks and some other good treats in the house in celebration of Larry coming back. It was all Angie's idea. She even invited her friend Kristen and Lilo's social worker to the gathering. As notorious of a gang Criminalz crew was, they acted pretty decently at angie's place. Probally because her place was much bigger than what they were used to. She had a few somewhat expensive decor in her home that she begged them to not ruin. Including a china cabinet that she had specially made for her memories growin up. All the guys where in the Living room and could be seen from the kitchen. Lilo was in there as well sitting on her daddy's lap resting against his body. It was getting a little late and Angie had her used to having a bath and in bed by 9:00pm so she decided to put a lid on the party and call it a night. 

A: Bye guys see ya! 

CC: See ya ange! And thanks for the hospitality, you real good for that girl! 

A: Haha your welcome guys have a good night! (waves) 

K: Hey girl you got a minute? 

A: Yea sure whats up? 

K: Lets walk to my car. 

A: Okay....Is anything wrong? 

K: *sigh* no not really... 

A: Come on Kris. Whenever you sigh and say 'no not really' it is something. What is it? 

K: Look girl. Im not saying you cant be nice to the guy but..dont you think this is a little too much? 

A: (look confused) I d- I dont know what your talking about? What you mean "this" 

K: Come on Angela this! (motions to house) this party for a felon, someone against the law and someone who disrespects women on a regular basis! I mean come on. Are you really feeling this guy? 

A: Wh- I mean...everyone deserves a second chance dont they? 

K: Angie really? A second chance. And this is your idea of a second chance? 

A: ....(looks back at house) i dont know..well...

K: Look Angie. I love you girl. You know I do and thats why im telling the truth. Whatever you have going on with this crook you need to kill it. Dead. Because you have no reason associating yourself with the likes of his type of people, AND you know it. If you plan on being assistant manager of your branch then you got to let go of this, this little fantasy you got going on. Cause honey its gonna do nothing but keep you down. 

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