Rose ou Bleu? (Pink or Blue?)

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It was the next month. Monday. Angie went back to work. Lilo back at school. Back to the basics. Back to the way things were before the drama. Although, Angie missed it. 

Angie POV 

I was coming from work today and I picked Lilo up from her new school. She showed me a paper of a test that she had taken. She got a good grade on it. I am just so happy at how much she has improved. Im sure Larry would be too. In fact I was sitting at my desk earlier. I just finished reading a short note he left me in this duffle bag full of money. I put the money in an account but the note, I take everywhere. I loved it because it was short and sweet. I fiddled with the ring on my finger.

                                                        "Will You Marry Me?"

We make it home and I begin to make us some baked fish, greens, and poatoes. The most healthiest meal we have had in forever. Lately we have been eating junk and fast food. I cant be havin us gain too much weight. We had finished up our dinner and I washed up Lilo and we decided to watch a movie of her choice. She got that privalege every now and again. We were sittin on the couch when suddenly there was a knock on my door. I went to go answer it. I open it and see India standing in front of me.

A: Hey girl, how are you?

I: Im okay..but um, could I come in?

A: Yea sure.

I: So what are you and Lilo up to it?

A: Oh nothing much just watching a movie she wanted to watch. Wassup  you look like something is bothering you.

I: .....*sigh* yea kind of..can we talk in the kitchen?

A: Yea of course. (look at Lilo) Hey baby you sit there mommy's coming okay

LL: Okay mommy!

Angela and India sit at the table to conversate. They havent seen eachother since the guys left for Mexico. It had only been a month but still. India had one main subject on her head and she needed Angie to help her.

I: Okay well your a nurse right?

A: Well last time I checked yes. Are you sick with a bug or something?

I: No. I just have something to tell you. But I kinda need you to confirm it. Just so I dont think im crazy.

A: Um...thats weird cause I have something to tell you as well.

I: Oh! Thats cool why dont we say it at the same time! 

A: Oh..okay that sounds good. 

I: Okay...1 

A: 2 

I: 3! 

A & I: Im Pregnant! *GASP!* 

To be Continued.... 

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