5. A Beautiful Feeling - Fluff Drabble

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Bucky Barnes x Blind!Reader (Fluff!)
No warnings :)
Word Count: 520

In all the time you knew Bucky, you never knew what he looked like or felt like. It occurred to you out of the blue, and you decided it was time to ask him. You walked in the direction of Bucky's voice, making sure not to run into things. "Bucky?" You called out; hand reached out to hold onto the wall. You rounded a corner, listening to everything around you.

Bucky popped up out of his seat, hearing you. "Hey, hold on I'll walk over to you." He responded softly, while walking over to your figure. You grinned at his voice, finding it sweet and charming. Bucky smiled back to you, even though he knew you wouldn't be able to see it, and spoke up again, "I'm right here."

"Hi there." You whispered, laughing lightly. Bucky chuckled along with you, "Hey doll." You felt yourself blush at the nickname, but you shook it off quickly. "Hey uh this might sound strange, but can I feel your face?" You questioned softly.

Bucky's expression relaxed at your words, "It's not strange doll. You can do that." His voice came out. You smiled, happy that he didn't find it weird. Your hands reached out in front of you trying to find his face but reached out to air. Bucky smiled lightly at your actions and reached out to grab your hands with his.

He led them back up to his face, making you laugh at your mistake. When your fingertips touched the light stubble on his face, you gasped. Pushing your palms up farther, you started to feel and memorize all the details of his face and skin. The small little ridges and indents in his skin warmed under your hold. Bucky gazed down at you, watching your face turn in concentration and joy. His smile deepened when you let your fingertip trace along part of his nose.

He stepped closer to you and leaned down, so you had better access, and you beamed back to him. The feelings of his skin under your hands made you feel happy and you made sure to memorize everything. "Doll?" Bucky whispered softly down to you.

"Yes?" You mumbled back, still feeling his cheeks in your hands, and tracing back up to his eyebrows. Your hands went to his hairline, and you started to feel a buzzing coming from your fingertips from the excitement.

You drifted back down to his stubble, bringing your fingertips lightly over to his lips. Bucky held his breath at your actions, "What are you thinking about?" He murmured back, looking down at your hands.

Your thumbs brushed along the bottom of his lip, smiling at the feeling and you pulled away slightly. "I'm thinking about how beautiful you feel." You sighed softly, making Bucky blush from your words. His little chuckle broke the two of you out of the spell.

"Was that good?" He asked back, stepping slightly away and brushing a hand through his hair. He felt himself flush red from the moment between the two of you. "Yeah, thank you, Bucky." You grin back, feeling happiness seep through you.

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