new hero?

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Well no I am not a hero but I would still like to be one if that helps.
Oh well I heard that mic is starting a course that may help you!
*y/n starts laughing* what why would anyone want to be in a course with him?! He is so loud *she remarks* well yes he maybe loud but I heard that keigo your old childhood friend would be their helping with flying quirks!
What? Why is he helping he is the number two pro hero!
Yea but he said him self he would be there!
It is probably just he trying to make his fans happy or something you know him so happy go lucky.
Yea but just listen if you don't like the course you can just drop out of it!
I guess bu- JUST JOIN IT you said you still wanted to be a hero and you did say that you wanted to speak to keigo again so just do it!
Fine I will.

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