I suck at naming these

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John - I have regrets
Seraphina - Nugs
Remi - Queen👑
Blyke - Laż
Isen - commonISENse

I have regrets is online

I have regrets: @naugs

I have regrets: @nugs

Nugs is online

Nugs: wassup

I have regrets: wanana helep me tusn my cta itno satan?

Arlo is online

Nugs: of course 🤪

Arlo: no, no you don't. John you're drunk go to sleep.

I have regrets: Ism neo fuckinaa drunk

Arlo: what time is it?

I have regrets: ..:

I have regrets: aaim nfi cucking deunk

Nugs: he's drunk?

Arlo: I can only assume so considering when I got to his dorm Blyke was wheezing, John was dancing to wap, and there was three empty bottles of alcohol.

Nugs: you know wap?

Arlo: no

Nugs: how did you recognize it then?

Arlo: they were blasting it using their tv so I just read the name

Nugs: understandable have a great day

I have regrets: Arlooooo

Arlo: what is it

I have regrets: I love you

Arlo: I love you too

Arlo: now where are you?

CommonISENse is online

CommonISENse: Blyke and I kidnapped him.

Arlo: omfg keep him I don't care anymore

I have regrets: babe coem psik dm up

Arlo: how did you mess up a two letter word-

CommonISENse: he's typing hella fast for a drunk

CommonISENse: Wait Blyke is giving him more alcohol

CommonISENse is offline


Arlo is offline
I have regrets is offline

Nugs: so are we not turning John's cat into satan?


I have regrets is online
Nugs is online

I have regrets: I hate myself😗✌️

Nugs: same☺️

I have regrets: I have an idea-

Nugs: wassup?

I have regrets changed Arlo's name to King fork🍴

Nugs: lmao yes

I have regrets: I can Rest In Peace now


King fork🍴: which dumbass changed my name

I have regrets: 🤚

King fork🍴:... I accept this name only because of you

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