Chapter four

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Muscular POV:

The next day

I woke up the next morning weirdly happy that I would see him again. So I made my morning coffee and ran out the door. Breathing in the fresh morning air as I ran to the base only to realise I had to work at my part time job... at the nail salon. Oh MoonFish when will I see you again. I thought. Then off to the nail salon I went. When I got there my coworker Brenda was at my spot. She's such a jerk she knows I can only sit there, I don't fit anywhere else. I thought. Just as I was about to go up to her and ask for her to leave I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turn around to see Shigaraki and MoonFish. "U h h- what're you guys doing at a nail salon?" I ask with a confused look. "We knew you worked here, so we came to get our nails done." MoonFish says smiling. "I- okay If you say so..." I say before seating them. "Soo, what would you like to do to your nails?" I ask, looking between the both of them. "I want mine colored pink." Shigaraki says, smiling brightly. "Okay, and you MoonFish?" I ask, looking at MoonFish.

"Orange." He replied happily. "Ok." I said. This is going to clash so much. I thought. But whatever will make him happy is fine with me. After I did their nails they said goodbye and left looking very happy with their choices. Then Brenda came up to me. "I see you just did some boys nails." She complained. "Ugh they're probably gAy." Then without thinking I slapped her. *gasps come from around the room* "jskshdg MANAGER I HAVE BEEN HIT!!!!" She screamed. When I realized what I did I ran out of the salon knowing I would be fired, but at least I hit a homophobe.

I kept running, I don't know where to. But after a minute or so of running I stopped to catch my breath. I turned around and didn't see anyone coming after me. So I sat down on a nearby bench. I looked around to find something, anything to do. Then I saw an ice cream shop. "Oo, ice cream." I mutter to myself before standing up and walking over to the ice cream shop. I walk in, walking up to the counter. "Hayy, what would you like today?" The lady asked. I look up at the menu and think for a moment.

"Hmm. How about chocolate chip." I said. "Sure. And for your friend?" What? I thought and turned around. It was MoonFish. He must have followed me. I thought. I smiled to myself and asked what he wanted. "Cheese flavor." He said. "O-ok." Said the lady. When we walked outside after getting Ice cream we sat on the curb. "Why did you slap that lady?" He asked. "She was a jerk who had it coming." I said. "Do you want me to impale her for you?" He asked. "Maybe another time." I replied.

"Hey, where's Shigaraki by the way?" I ask, looking over at MoonFish. He just shrugs. "To be honest, I don't know. We kinda went our own ways after we left the nail salon." MoonFish says. I just nod before taking a bite out of my ice cream cone. "How's that cheese ice cream?" I ask. "Delicious actually!" MoonFish says with a bright smile, making me smile. "That's good." I reply. MoonFish nods, taking a bite of his ice cream. "How's yours?" He asks. "Great!" I answer. MoonFish smiles again before looking back down at the ground, swaying his legs back and forth slightly.

"Hey, do you maybe want to go on a date on Saturday? I was thinking we could go to the movies." I say nervously. "That would be great!" He replied happily. "What time?" "I was thinking 4:30. So we could watch the sunset after." "I would love to!" He said. Then we just sat there and talked and ate the rest of our ice cream until it was dark and we went home.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2020 ⏰

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