The Assigment for Pyrriah's Best Assassin

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Deathbringer tossed his scroll to a small rock pile, feeling cold and frustrated.

The scroll landed with a soft and muffled thump against the frozen ground beneath his talons. The assassin shruged and shook his wings. Trying to get warm against as another cold breeze hit him. He had been to the border of the Ice kingdom a few times before to do his regular assassinations but never this far or for this long for that matter.

He was unbelievably cold and hungry which didn't help his mission. He tried to remmeber the last time he had eaten as he paced back and forth. Hmm probably that boar, the day before, in the Rainforest. But it was still freezing. He hadn't been in the border of the Ice kingdom long but he started to doubt it was the best idea.

The Nightwing was within eyesight of Blaze's fortress, hopping the dragonets of destiny would decide to meet the third Sandwing princess and he could complete his mission then. But maybe they were already frozen to death and it was a waste of time to be there. Or maybe they were already in an Icewing dungeon and dead that would also save him some time.

After having his assignment for a few weeks, the Nightwings were getting quite impatient and frustraded and unbelievably grumpy. Which wasn't fair if you asked him. It wasn't really his fault that five dragonets were so hard to track down, no one had been able to predict where they where going, and much less kill them.

He thought of the scroll the one he had tossed aside, with his targets on them. Deathbringer was still mildly surprised when the Sandwing messenger has given him the scroll with two of the dragonet's names on them. Ofcourse he had asked questions, like Are you sure this is what they want? and, Do you know where they're going next? Why do you need the dragonets dead? What about the prophecy? Do they need to be dead to keep the war as long as possible? But wasn't the plan to join the war now? But as usual none of the questions were answered.

From Morrowseer's mostly unhelpful reports, the dragonets of destiny were first captured in the Sky kingdom, and then headed for the kingdom of Sea. Which they also escaped from, it seemed to Deathbringer that they caused chaos everywhere they went. Which was more intresting then the dragons he killed on normal basis. Deathbringer's guess was that they were now heading towards the border of the Icewing kingdom, to meet Blaze.

Deathbringer's wings shivered violently against the cold once more.

Screw it

Usually lighting up a fire would be dangerous. Usually lighting up a fire would put everything in danger and what not. Usually he wouldn't need to light up a fire because he could see in the dark. But it was early dawn anyways. And there was no dragon anywhere for miles. He sniffed the air, there wasn't any scent of a dragon as far as he could tell. But he looked around once more anyways, scanning any cloud or rock pile where a dragon could hide just to be sure.

But there wasn't anybody hiding. No Icewings hiding in the clouds and waiting to ambush him, no Sandwing spotting him from Blaze's fortress. No one reasonable would be out in this cold because they wanted to.

Really, the only dragons that would be pleased to be here for some grumpy Icewings, which he didn't spot. But if there were he could easily take them. No matter if this was thier element and if they were bigger than him or whatever the reason may be.

With another shiver, the assassin quickly started the fire. He layed down, making sure his wings shielded most of the cold and shifted closer to the burning fire for warmth. But out of nowhere and just a few seconds later, there was a thump of talons landing right behind him.

" Hey! Who are you and what are you doing in our territory?"

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