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Pharm heavily sat down on his seat.

He feels so defeated after receiving the draft for his case paper in his business analytics class. He has been working on it every night the past week, editing and polishing the parts that had remarks from the professor. Making sure everything went by what was advised. To result with even more red marks than before.

He's also catching up for the paper he has yet to submit for his other class.

This is why he made sure to have as little mistakes as possible for his analytics paper because he still has another paper to submit.

He held his head down the entire way towards his next class, probably hitting a person or 10. But he feels so drained he can't utter a sincere apology, sighing all the way.

"Hey. Are you okay?" Pharm looked back at the person seated behind him.

Dean. Dean Ratthanon Wongnate.

Seated behind him this whole term, and they talk a little before classes start.

He'd like to say he made a friend. But can you consider one a friend, when;

A. He is a senior.

B. They never talked outside this classroom.

C. This senior is way out of his league.

He sometimes feels like he's still in high school, except for everybody of course. Everyone is so composed and organized, their minds so made up for the future. While he is still stuck on a term paper that is already a week past due.

"Hmm" He nods and faces front immediately. He really wants to talk to someone, but that can't be his seatmate-from-the-back. He feels so embarrassed as it is.

"Are you sure? I don't remember this pout being an everyday look for you." Dean presses gently. His tone is curious but not invasive. He really appreciates him trying, but not this time.

"I'm fine, P'" Pharm forces a smile, for the first time that afternoon. He doesn't want to burden other people with his trivial problems.

The senior gently touches Pharm's left shoulder. He nudges him gently to make him look back at him, then pokes his arms.

"Put them here on the desk."

Pharm feels surprised as to how they're having this- exchange. This has never happened before. It feels a little too friendly than their everyday normal formal-conversation-exchange.

His face feels weirdly hot, but he thinks it doesn't seem like a big deal, so puts his arms on the desk.

Dean pulls his arms towards him, then says-

"Sleep. I'll wake you up when the professor gets here. We still have a good 10 minutes before class starts."

Pharm's eyes unconsciously widen. He's confused about how it got and when did they get to this point. But he really doesn't have the energy to fight back. So he puts his head on his arms, sleep coming over him immediately.

Turns out he really needed that short rest. He feels a thousand times better after taking a nap, so he silently thanks the senior.

Their encounters following that, varied. Other times it was the normal "Hey" then minds on their businesses before their professor starts the class. Other times it's the embarrassing tutoring sessions that he so desperately needs, and the senior being so kind, patiently tutoring him.

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