For the rest of our lives

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Weeks passed. A couple of months even.

It's finals week and Dean feels like they have back-forwarded to square one.

They still talk in class. He says "Hi!", the other says "Hey" back. But the smaller keeps himself busy with his phone or his notes. He can't talk to him.

He tried. He really did. But his responsibilities in his swimming team and his program is taking up his time.

It was also his baby sister's birthday the other day, and the planning and the event took up the majority of his time. He wanted to invite the younger male, but he's not answering his Line messages and even avoided talking to him altogether.

But if he's being honest, he's scared.

He's scared of rejection.

He's scare and it pulls him back.

But he misses him. So much.

He misses the smaller male's calm presence, so much.

He misses his toothy smile when he feels happy, or the small, gentle twinkle in his eyes when he's relieved and grateful, or the toothy grin when he's teasing and playful.

But his favorite has got to be the weight of his compact head on his arms, and how that weight feels just right. His smaller arms draped over, belonging over his larger ones.

He wanted to ask questions about him, but he chickened out last minute and used his friend Win instead. And that has got to be one of the most stupid things he has said in his life. Because now, Pharm only talks to him about Team, and turns mum about anything related to him personally.

To be fair, it was an honest mistake. But when the small male categorized him as his best friend's admirer, he felt hurt.

He was rejected, without having said anything yet.

He told his friend about this and advised him to be direct and confront the younger male, but with the "progress" they've had recently, it's no use.

But he might be IT.

He knows Pharm is IT. But-


Pharm is excited for the last day of the term. Starting tomorrow, 3 months of no college, and a much-deserved family time in New York with his mom and his brother Phoom. Just thinking about it, excites him.

He pretty much went through the last weeks on auto-pilot. But it's finally the last day of the term. Which means, attendance, and speeches from their teachers. Grades will only come out a couple of weeks after since there are still last-minute submissions and calculations take time. He will not think about any of that today.

Today, he's free and he intends to use his freedom, smartly.

He arrives in the class he shares with Dean, and he sees the elder already on his seat. He saunters his way and takes his seat to get things over and done with. This wasn't his last class, but if he gets out of this unscathed, it's pretty much smooth sailing.

But Pharm can feel goosebumps on his skin from somewhere. Like somebody is burning holes in the back of his head. But without his notes as an excuse, he takes out his phone and plays some games on it.

He was busy ignoring everything in his surroundings that he didn't hear the footsteps towards him. Then he feels a tap on his right shoulder.

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