Chapter 2

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I pick her up in my arms and rock her slowly. I look at her hair, that's slowly growing in, how even in the dark I can see that it's the same shade as Peeta's.

I notice that her deep blue eyes flutter close and resist sleep. When she was born we knew just what to call her, we didn't talk about it we just...knew.

I remember laying in the hospital bed, Rue couldn't have been more excited to have a baby sister. I was so tired after giving birth but the looking at this beautiful baby in my arms kept my eyes from closing, that and the fact that Rue couldn't stop asking questions about the baby.

When Peeta first saw her, his face lit up and his eyes welled with tears. He looked at me with such happiness.
He kissed my forehead and stared at her for a minute in non belief.

The nurse came in to ask if we had a name for the baby. "Prim, Primrose Mellark." Peeta answered. Tears rolled down my face. I looked down at this baby I held in my arms. She resembles Prim so much. "Prim? Like Aunt Prim!" Rue said. "Yes, Rue. Just like Aunt Prim." Peeta answered.

Tears fell down his face but a strong smile stayed on his face. "Come one Rue, lets let momma and baby sleep." Peeta stood up and escorted Rue out of the room.

It was nice to finally get some time to relax a little bit but I kinda wanted them to stay, to look more upon the new addition of our family.

I started to close my eyes and let myself sleep after a long day. Then tiny lips kissed my cheek and whispered, "I love you momma."

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