Chapter 3

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I put Prim back in her crib and creep back to my room. When I open the door I see someone had taken my spot.

A little head popped out of the covers just barely visible. As I got closer I see a little body laying on Peeta's chest. I get back in bed and I see her eyes open.

"Hi momma." She whispers as her green eye twinkle. "Hi sweetie, I love you." "Love you too." As she speaks I see her fighting sleep then gives in when she cannot possibly keep her eyes open any longer. I kiss her head softly and lay next to them and I too finally drift to sleep. I wake up to Rue's face in front of mine.

A big smile spreads across her face when she sees that in awake, I can tell she's been waiting for me. "Mornin" she says then runs downstairs.

I change out of my pajamas and walk down the stairs to see a whole banquet of food on the table. I see bacon, pancakes,eggs made in different ways, and French toast. I look over to see Peeta holding Prim in one hand and cooking with another.

I go over to him and give him a kiss.

"Good morning" he says "Good mornin" I say.

I take Prim from him and put her down in her high chair next to the table. "What time are they supposed to get here?" I ask Peeta, "About 10:30." "And what's the time now?"
"About 10:25."
They'll be coming soon. When I hear the door bell ring I know it's them.

"Well they're early." Peeta said "By five minutes." .

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2015 ⏰

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