Words Fight.

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  A million and one words in my mind and I don't know which to write,
For they keep on fighting in my head every day and night,
Some telling me to join the dark forces and not the white,
For I've I do so I'll be filled with Joy and delight.

I'm so weak to fight them for in me they've caused a fright,
And I don't know what to say for I no longer know what's right,
The mind war is so big that I can't call a truce,
For in the process of doing so I'll just end up with a bruise.

They tell me that calling to God doesn't make sense,
For its like the more I do so, the more my troubles become dense,
Challenge after challenge and you still don't win,
It's like He doesn't exist and forgive me if I am mean.

You've been betrayed not once and not twice,
Can you for once not be a fool and be wise,
You've served him for almost all ur life,
And all He's done is make you like an intruder in a bee hive.

But the good side finally speaks up and says,
I'll continue serving Him even if my answer takes years months or days,
For my God is alive no matter what you say,
And I'll continue serving him each and every day..

#Riddleking The Prodigy 7695.

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