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  Today I will write about a girl I just met,
And how I got attached to her so quickly I just don't get,
I thought I'd always be with her in real life and the internet,
But life's so unfair for that it can't let.

If I was rich enough, I could buy her a jet,
Or if I was a magician, I would turn myself into her pet,
For in the few days with her I've learned much,
And I don't think there's a girl in the world as such.

I used to joke around with her each and every time,
leave alone when drinking tea, walking and at lunch time,
The few days to me have been like eternity,
And I can't even explain how for after she left I've lost even the audacity.

I can't explain how my path got so intertwined with hers,
For its so difficult, more than life in Mars,
She was exactly just like my little sister,
And now she's left and all I have to remember her is a blister.

She always made me happy even when I was sad,
And could even recite all my jokes word for word,
I'll miss you Maggie more and more each second
And I wish you'd come so I'd see you for just a second .

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