I wish

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I wish...i could meet my mother...father said she was beautiful,.....jack said she was honset,....cinderalla said she was wonderfully kind and care giving,.....red said she  was good at baking, and I wish I had a brother

I wish....i was free from this scene instead of being locked inside a house with no about into this house

I wish...i wish...i can into the woods to see things I can never seen in the woods

"Darling!" "Yes father." "Would you be a doll and help me please." "Yes father." "Hello...may I buy your finest bread please?" "Of course you may it's over here." After she left I asked my father "Father...why can't I go into the woods." "Darling...sweetheart...we talked about this it's dangerous." "Yes father I know but I like danger it's life experience please father." "No your not going into the woods and that's finally!"

I wish...i can into woods where there things such as birds

I wish...i can be free to see and break out of this scene

I wish

I wish...i was different person instead of being a bakers daughter which worsen

I wish...i wasn't aching with this baking I wish

"Father in going to bed." "Ok darling just wake up early tomorrow morning ." "Yes father."

I wish...i was some one new so I can pursue my dreams I wish

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