II: Curious George

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Yesterday keeps replaying in my head. Im trying to figure out if the events really happened or if it was merely a side effect of missing out on my depression pills for two days straight.

I've been on edge all day. My lease on the apartment is up in exactly 4 weeks from today. That leaves little to no time to continue looking at other potential homes.

Do I really want to miss out on a golden opportunity because I may have imagined seeing and hearing some crazy things?

The house was close to perfect, not to mention priced a little over half of what it's really worth. I can already vision Renee and myself with our own offices and starting a family in the near future.

Speaking of. Renee has always been better at sensing when something is off. Turning over I gently stroke her cheek until her eyes flutter open.

"Good morning beautiful" recieving a smile. "Remember that house I was telling you about last week?"

"Mmhmm, you went to see it yesterday right?"

"Yes, I did, but I'm still a little on the fence about it. Do you have any spare time to view it yourself?"

"Hmm I'm free 12-2pm tomorrow and thursday"

Reaching to grab my phone on the charger I return to the page and check the openings. Just my luck he had a opening tomorrow at 12pm! Signing her up I sent the confirmation link to her phone.

"Now go back to sleep" she laughed out rolling back over.

---------Next Day----------

Leg bouncing, pen taping, I haven't been able to get much work done all morning. My mind is everywhere.

Even if she loves it do I still need to tell her what I heard and saw?Checking the time again.


Was my tour that long? Hearing our song play out I frantically look around for my phone. Feeling my leg vibrate. I pull it out of my pocket and swipe answer.

"Heyyy" she sangs into the phone instantly calming my nerves.

"Pulling out of the driveway see you in 30 minutes"



"In here"

She walks in grabs my cheeks pecking my lips. Shaking her head smiling I already know the answer she loves it.

"Bae it was beaut- gorgeous!" "Ahh- the kitchen!" "All that space and that price!" "Old style like i grew up in yet still new." Taking a deep breath. "But could we afford it?"

Seeing her this happy makes me change my mind about telling her what I experienced. Especially if it was just side effects and never happened. Yeah i was just having some side effects. I repeat trying to convince myself.

Instead of answering I go to my recent calls and dial Luther's number.


"Is the house still up for grabs?"

"Yes it is, can yall be here say Thursday a quarter after 12pm to look over some papers?"

The other day Renee happens to be free.

"We will see you 12:15 tomorrow"


Meanwhile on the other side of the phone Luther was holding a sinister smile as he disconnects the call.

Chuckling he crosses
The Drowning House on Elson Street off of his list.

"One down five more to go"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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