Ch.4 -Changes-

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"Oi shit head, your fighting is too slow it's slower than a snail!" Giyuu yelled as we were fighting with our swords. I did a flip back and ran in circles and hit him with all I could,  "Hit me harder! That attack was weak!" He yelled as I got pissed I clenched my handle and ran as fast as I could and attacked him with all I had. ' I'll hit him from the right! He is now cornered.' I thought as I did what I thought 'okay now jump against the wall.. and spin in the air and attack!' I smiled as I hit his sword. "Again!" He said as he did a back flip 3 times and standed into position. "Tsk! Fineee!" I wined and attacked him. 

It's been 1 year since I've came into this world, I'm starting to like it but the worst thing is is that I have to fight demons. I like that Giyuu is teaching me and he is a little nicer than before but still harsh. "Hey Shit, after dinner go to shinobu's place. She'll teach you more stuff about healing and making medication." Giyuu said as he left me alone. "Ughh" I moaned and rolled my eyes. 

"Um Shinobu-San? May I come in?" I asked as I knocked on her door "Oh Y/n-San is that you?" She said "Mhm" "Oh well please come in!" She said in her sweet voice. "Well Giyuu-San wanted me to learn about medications and healings for the outside world is it okay if-" I got interrupted by her "Of course it is! I'll teach you all the stuff I can tell you!" She said as he ran to her desk of books. 

After learning most of the herbs and if they are good or not, Shinobu-San let me go at midnight. She said I needed sleep due to my early schedule from Giyuu's lecture. I walked to my bed and fell right asleep and didn't even care if I was gonna get eaten by a demon. 

Right after a whole year I had changed. Giyuu and Shinobu-San changed me to be a demon slayer. Giyuu taught me stealth, how to kill, and how to use your mind in a smart way, he also taught me how to breathe with his style. While Shinobu-San taught me how to heal, how to use herbs, how to do surgery and she taught me her own special breathing techniques. She also gave me a book about this one special breathing technique, she said I met all the requirements to do this type of breathing. I studied the book for half a month and mastered it in 3 months. I've lost 30 pounds due to my diet. They said I was ready to go into battle and into the exams. 

"Okay Y/n-Chan! I want you to come with me into the mountains!" Shinobu said as she walked "oh okay." I said as I knew exactly why she wanted to go to the mountains. "Well Y/n-Chan there are demons in the forest. If you Are close to death Tomiyoka-San and I will come and rescue you! Remember what we taught you! Okay well then Goodbye!" She said as she vanished in thin air. "Well im all alone" I said 'plus that was quick, shinobu-San must had been busy for her to talk quick like that and to just leave.' I thought. 'Well minus well get through this forest.."

"I'm here." I said as I walked through Shinobu's door. "Ah! Y/n-Chan your here! Great job for surviving!" "You must be starving," Shinobu said as she heard my stomach grumble. "Well then the girls in the kitchen prepared a special feast for your graduation!" She said as she clasped her hands together "Congratulations Y/n-Chan you have graduated and now you may go to the Demon Slayer Exams!" She said in her cheerful voice "R-really?" I said "Mhm now go to the kitchen and enjoy!" She said as she smiled "T-thank you Shinobu-San!" I hugged her "Your welcome!" She said "Well then I'm gonna go eat see ya!" I said while running off to the Kitchen. 

"Yo Y/n" Aoi said as I stopped running "Hm what is it Aoi?" I said as I turned to her. "Congrats, now go enjoy the feast  Me and the girls prepared for you." She said as she looked the other way blushing "Ahh! Thank you so much Aoi-Chan!!" I said as I sat down. "Mmmmm the food looks delicious!!"  I said stuffing my face into the rice. "W-well don't mention it.." she said as she blushed. (Yes I am making Aoi pansexual because I can.) 

After the big feast I ran to my room and fell asleep hoping that I would see my family again.


❞𝐀 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞❞- 𝐀 𝐓𝐚𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 🌓Where stories live. Discover now