"The one with the accidental encounter"

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Aneesha's POV

I was lying down on my bed and binge watching friends again. But still I was not able think straight. Even Joey failed to make me feel relaxed. My mind was replaying the conversation that happened at the dinner table.


I mean it's not like I don't want to get married ever or I love someone else. But isn't it too soon? I'm still doing my MBA, then I've to do an internship and learn so much before joining dad's business. I understand that I can do all this after marriage as well but where is the surety? What if I get too caught up in my new family that I'm unable to focus on my dreams? What if my husband or in laws don't want me to work after marriage? What if they are not supportive?

I get that I might just be assuming worst case scenarios and the reality can be opposite too. But I cannot help, you know? There are just too many what ifs right now. I mean it's not like I've seen such things happening in my family. My parents have always loved and supported Kanika bhabhi like their own daughter. We all did our best to make her feel at home after marriage and she continued with her studies and job too. Even after Arush was born mom never asked her to give up the job. In fact she was the one who proposed the idea of bhabhi rejoining the job after she was in a position to work after the delivery while Mom took care of Arush. My parents have always given her space as they know she too had a life and it's her choice whatever she wants to do. They've never questioned her like they've never questioned me or bhai. And bhabhi is no less. The way she takes care of all of us and our needs is just amazing. She manages her time so well between home and work. I really admire her for this. I've always thought of being a good daughter in law like her who keeps the family together. I just wish the family I get married into is also supportive and understanding.

Well about the proposal, I don't know what to say. I have faith in my family that they won't force me into something without my consent and I'm glad they discussed with me first before fixing the meet. I know they must have really liked the family and the guy that's why they are even considering the proposal. I cannot doubt their decision ever. That's why I've thought of meeting the guy once. And who knows what happens next right? Let's see where destiny takes us.

Aman's POV

"Okay Mr Khanna. We like your proposal and we would love to do business with you." I said as I got up and shook hands with my client.
"The pleasure is ours Mr Raizada," replied Mr Khanna.
All the people in the meeting room then dispersed in their own way.

I was sitting in my cabin going through a file when my phone started ringing. Seeing the caller Id my lips curved into a smile.

"Hello busy man. To what do I owe the pleasure for getting a call from you?"
"Look who's talking. Turning the tables now, are we Aman?"
"Not sure about you but I'm definitely not busy for my friends."
"Ahh lucky me. You would be glad to know that even I'm never busy for my friends."
"Whatever. Now tell me why did you call?"
"Well I was thinking if you are free let's meet for lunch. It's been a week since we met. I was out of Delhi for business and then you were busy with the new deal. Kartik and Rishab will be joining too. So what say?"
"I'm in. My deal is done and I don't have much to do. So where shall we meet?"
"I'll see you at Cafeteria & co. in Hudson at around 2. Okay?"
"Yeah cool. I'll ask Shanaya too. If she's done with the classes maybe she could join us too."
"Ya perfect. See you then."

I texted Shanaya the same and informed Sonia that I would be heading out for lunch with Karan. It's been a week since we had a nice chat. I also have to tell him about the proposal or that asshole would kill me if he got to know from someone else.

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