Chapter 11

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I roll over and look around the room, it's bright to bright. I get up to close my blinds and see my clothes scattered everywhere.
Then I smile because I remember last night, running to his apartment and opening up to him. I remember his lips on me and my finger in his brown hair.
I start to lie down but I know I'll just roll around thinking about him.
Honestly I don't know why I'm so fucking giddy over one make out session. But then on the other hand it's the first time I've been completely truthful with myself.
Zayn comes over like usual and we sit on the floor again letting the smoke fill our lungs.
He chuckles as he looks at the ceiling," what?" I say passing the short blunt over to him.
His smile spreads even wider," We should do something, like go to a club!" I shake my head ,"Yeah bro, we can call Harry and pick up a couple ladys! Oh and gents."
I'll NEVER understand the fascination he has with him, all he talks about  Is tattoos. "I don't know." He grabs my phone from the glass coffee table.
I sit watching him almost chewing my nail beds off. "Sup mate?" He was quite and was looking at me smiling. "Yeah Louis and I was gonna go to a club and wanted to see if you could come."
As I watched him I felt the nervousness return in my stomach. "Yeah yeah, that sounds good." I mouth what to him and he waves me off. "Alright see ya later mate."
He places the phone back down and slumps on the couch. My mind was screaming What? What did he say?!?
"So..." My outer tone came out so much calmer than the voice yelling in my head.
"He'll be round bout seven." I look at the black chunky watch on my arm, 5:39.
"Right so I better jump in the shower." He nods and flips through the channels on the telly.
As I'm in the shower I keep thinking about Harry and let me tell you- never mind it's very very hard for me to say.
I scrub the blue bath poof against my skin and then run some shampoo through my hair. As I stand there water dripping from my face I go to my dark place, a place I never wish to actually go.
Harry doesn't like you how could he look at you, you're so disappointing. Even if he does it's wrong, how could you look your mom in the eyes and tell her your alright when you're so fucking sick in the head. Everyone knows! Everyone see's what a sick sin you're committing with him with tha-
"Louis?" A hard rapping at the door pulls me from that place.
"You okay, been in there a while."

As I walk through the flat fixing my shirt I hear knock and go to open it. Harry's standing here in front of me hair down to his shoulders and a sheer button up on. At this moment I don't know if he's an angel come to save me or the devil in disguise.

His dark tattoos show through his shirt in the dim colorful lights. He's moving majestically and seductively under the lights  dancing with a girl about my age. She's smiling and giggling probably happy she's even in his presence. Zayns got a dark haired girl dancing with her and I'm just standin here.
While I'm standing I think of the movie hitch where Will Smith helps that guy learn to dance and I realize I'm doing the move; hands to the side and just sway back and forth.
Harry scares the Shit out of me when he taps me on the shoulder, "what a are you doing?" He says peering down at me.
"I'm dancing what does it look like?" He smirks and shakes his head.
"Not dancing."
"I'll have you know I invented dancing."He looks at me with a If you say so face.
"Wanna get a drink?" He says motioning towards the bar.

We're pressed against each other no space left between us just our bodies touching. He's in front of me his back pressed to my chest and his hips wiggling into me. He was ruthless as he swayed and dipped, pressing his bum hard against me. I've had to much alcohol for me not do something, so as he comes back up I place a hand on his hip and pull him closer to me. All the while my body screaming Take him!

We're walking toward my flat when zayn decides go home, so it's just Harry and I. "Do you want to come back to my place?" He says seriously.
"I don't know if that's a good idea."
"I don't bite."
I chuckle, "that's a lie." I smirk remembering his passionate kiss and him nipping at my lip. He laughs as well looking down with embarrassment but back up with a glowing face.
"I don't bite hard." He whispers.

As he twist the door knob and pushes his door open I feel the warmth from his apartment hit may face. He motions me in and I just stand awkwardly while he takes his coat off. He walks over to me and stops looking down at me then he lifts a finger and runs it down my cheek.
That's it that's the last straw.
I pull him down toward me and our lips meet once again. We're both breathing hard and he pushes me against the nearest wall. As he does he pulls away from my lips and presses kisses against my neck and my ear all while grinding his hips into mine.
I run my hands up his chest and start unbuttoning his shirt as he kisses me and my neck. He pulls back as soon as he feels the air hit his chest. "What?"
"We've only ever kissed and I don't want to take it somewhere you'll be uncomfortable." I look at him and I feel warmth covering me.
"Well how far should we take it then?" He shrugs and looks at me. "So is a handjob out of the question?" He smiles and laughs pulling me toward him with a kiss.
"Maybe not..."

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