Another Problem

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"And that is how the war ended. Any questions?" Merlock was getting tired of these questions but he still had to ask, something about teacher protocol.

"When did the war started?" a child decided to ask.

"It began when it began and started when it started. Its also in the textbook." Merlock answered.

Straight after Merlock finished the bell rang symbolling the end of school. All the kids already left either going to home or to a club. Merlock went straight to the sports hall where a whole lot of bouncing balls were heard. He has his nephew walking to this school so he should be here soon, especially since his school finishes earlier. Now he just had to remember.

When he walked into the hall he realised that the balls were bouncing off of people rather than walls and floors. Fletcher and Izzy were running around and chasing Lance as he tried to protect his face. Aaron somehow managed to get onto the roof rafters while teasing Axl with food. Macy was trying to get everyone to stop with Ava and Robin trying to comfort Dennis who was just yelled at by Lance for being too close to him and his beauty. It was all utter chaos. Merlock shook his head then grabbed his whistle. He took a deep breath and blew into his whistle which brought all 9 pairs of eyes onto him.

Slowly they all begun to shuffle over to Merlock as he gave each of them a death glare except for the four who were trying to avoid the chaos. Once they all reached Merlock none of them had started to talk. They all avoided eye contact.

Slowly Merlock spoke every word in a threatening way, leaving his cheerful side behind him, "What were you doing?"

"Well... Fletcher and Izzy got annoyed at Lance because he said and I quote, "15 year olds are soooo annoying", so they chased him", Ava paused before she continued, "Aaron was trying to get Axl to exercise so he stole his food and somehow got on the roof. Dennis is sensitive and the other 2, as well as me, were trying to get everything under control."

Merlock sighed and then told them to start warming up for practice. He has only had them for 3 years, and Fletcher, Izzy, Ava and Robin for only 2 years but basically when they had first started Upper school (lower school is prep/kindy/whateveryouwannacallit-6 with ages 5-12, upper school is 7-12 with ages of 12-18). They barely train but still love the game. Robin believes he is too small to play so he just wanted to be a back up and Ava was willing to be the manager. Macy is a princess who is only allowed to play because Merlock is the King's best friend. Aaron joined for action while Axl joined because he liked watching the game as a kid. The last of the older ones is Lance who joined because his parents forced him too but now he does it cause he wants to. Fletcher is a special one along with Izzy who both joined because their older siblings play. They love to play but they just don't take anything in and often wing it. They all have potential but just don't use it. They needed something more. Merlock stopped his train of thoughts when he realised his team had stopped warming up. Instead they were looking towards the entrance door.

There stood Principal Brickland with a tall boy wearing the Lavant school uniform. The Lavant school and Nexo school are enemies with the Lavant students often bully Nexo students, so seeing one here is quite surprising for the students. The Lavant school almost always vs Nexo students for practice games due to the long running rivalry. Another annoying thing was that the kid was hot. He looked better than almost everyone in the school.

"Mr Merlock!" Principal Brickland yelled. "This young man says he is here to see you." He stopped and glared at the boy. "I sort of hope he isn't because I would love to have another reason to speak to the principal of his school."

"He is my nephew Brickland, I asked him to come here so I could make sure he is okay during the afternoon and so I can take him home later." Merlock answered while walking towards the pair.

"Uncle, why didn't you warn me to notify the office before coming? I think it would have been more polite." the boy, who was known as Merlock's nephew, spoke in a very polite way.

"Don't think that by acting polite will make me believe you are. It seems like a suspicious polite, Mr." Principal Brickland sternly said looking towards the boy.

"Brickland that is how he always talks. His mother taught him proper manners from a young age." Merlock the grabbed the hand of his nephew and dragged him away. "Anyway you can go now Principal, I can handle it from here."

"I wish you have a great day Sir!" the nephew said.

Brickland had stared at the 2 for a moment before leaving to go elsewhere. All of the Nexo Knights volleyball team members looked at the boy. He was tall, tanned skin and well-built but his full body shape was covered by the loose formal uniform. His eyes were dark blue like crystals holding mysterious secrets in a dark cave they were left to dwell in but able to shine when light is seen. Overall, someone Lance was afraid would get more attention than himself which is something he is not looking forward to. The uniform ruined his looks as it was horrible with maroon and yellow being the featuring colours.

Lance looked at his fellow team mates as they examined the boy. Aaron was looking at him with curiosity, which is no surprise. Axl had a serious face on which was different from his friendly face but he was probably worried about his friends. Ava's face was bland while Robin looked scared along with Fletcher and Izzy. Macy looked as if she was in some sort of trance which was the most surprising. tch, Lance thought, girl problems.

"Are you going to bully us or what?" Macy asked after snapping out of her trance and pointing her finger at him aggressively.

The boy looked confused but realisation flooded over his face. He moves Macy's hand to the side and stared into her eyes, he only showed sincerity. She looked back into his but did not realise he had began to talk.

"I apologise for what my fellow peers have said or done to you and your school and would like to inform you that I do not condone in any misbehaviour carried out." Merlock's nephew did a little bow once he had finished.

Honestly, it had surprised everyone except for Merlock, who had already expected it. The team looked at each other in confusion with multiple questions running through their heads. First off, he is a Lavant student who hasn't bullied them yet and second off, he apologised! There was only one question that was louder than others.

"Who are you?" Axl voiced.

"Oh, I beg your pardon. How rude of me not to introduce myself but please, call me Clay, Clay Moorington." he did a small bow as he left the team shocked from his personality.

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