Another Team

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These people are weird, Clay thought. The team that his uncle coaches each have different styles that somehow compliment each other. The younger ones could be mistaken as the same age as the others, especially with only a one year age gap. The older ones look just as mature as the younger ones. I believe I remember them, Clay thought.

(the following analysing is in Clays point of view)

Macy AKA Princess of Knighton-

She prefers to ignore her fathers wishes of her being a proper princess and instead follows the ways of her mother who always does her own thing when she want to. She has long red hair that is often tied back in a high ponytail. She has light coloured freckles that spread across the middle of her face in a messy line. She looked quite small compared to Clay but her emerald green eyes demanded respect. She is around 160cm. Well she is going to be different, Clay thought.

Aaron Fox AKA the Troublemaker-

He, as the name says, is a troublemaker. Constantly causing trouble but can easily read emotions of others... and tries to read minds but cant. He has light orange hair that looks untamed, which matches his eyes and personality. His eyes are a light green colour. He is around 170cm. His face right now looks as if he had discovered a new world.

Lance Richmond AKA a Brat-

He always checks Knightube to see the new trends. He has neatly combed white hair and tonnes of hair gel. His eyes are sky blue and seem to be thinking about something all the time, might be about himself. He is around 175cm. He might also what you call an attention seeker also a very attractive boy according to the girls, possibly some boys as well but who knows.

Axl AKA Food Worshipper-

He loves to eat everything that is classified edible. He also has a large appetite and will take any food he sees so keep your food close. He stands at the height of around 200cm with a very well-built body. He has broad shoulders and large arms but his legs seem to not get as much exercise. He has a black mohawk that is flat and follows the shape of his head. He seems quite with a tooth coming out of his bottom gum passed his lips. By his calm stance it suggests that he is actually a softie.

Robin Underwood AKA Machine God-

Shortish for his age but despite that he is able to create anything. Doubts himself a lot and it shows in his eyes. Strawberry blonde hair, brown eyes and freckles across his cheeks and nose. Just under 160cm and one of the youngest in the group. Seems like he is a happy child most of the time but he seems to be scared right now.

Ava Prentis AKA Tech Wiz-

She is able to code almost anything as well as break any code. Her hair is a dark brown colour. She has a straight fringe as well as long hair. Her face doesn't hold a lot of emotion and seems to be constantly examining. She is possibly around 150 cm, short but kind of tall compared to the other students in her age. Wont admit it but she and Robin are best friends.

Isabella Richmond AKA Pocket Rocket-

She has enough energy to probably run all day. She plays a lot of pranks on people with Aaron from what Merlock said. Much like her brother, she has blonde hair and blue eyes. Her hair is mainly in a ponytail judging by how it flows almost naturally. Her nickname is Izzy and her best friend is Fletcher. She is under 160cm.

Fletcher Bowman AKA Chill Dude-

He is the complete opposite of Izzy and is really lazy. He has brown hair that goes passed his ears but it seems to stay in a ponytail. He is pretty plain and is just above 160cm. He is best friends with Izzy and has an older sister who also plays volleyball.

Overall Nexo Knights Team-

All have potential but they just don't work together very well. Need more encouragement especially Robin. All need to train more and possibly more players.

"Wait... aren't there meant to be 4 more players?" Clay asked.

"Oh, so you're done analysing? Good." Merlock stated. "The other 4 are Dennis. who is sick right now and just left, Lila is Fletcher's sister but she is on an excursion with her class along with Corsyne and finally is Rayla who had to stay home dur to family issues."

"Wait, he was analysing us the whole time?" Aaron asked while jumping around. "That's sooo cool!!"

"Kinda creepy if you ask me." Lance loudly exclaims with no care in the world.

"I do it so I know if someone is going to be hostile towards me or not so I know if have to prepare to protect myself or change my attitude." Clay explained while turning around.

"Where are you going?" Macy asked.

"Outside to wait." He continues to walk out the door and turns to the left.

"Well... time to train, let's go!!" Merlock yelled.

Macy stayed staring at the door Clay exited for a bit longer. Why am I like this? Macy thought, Am I blushing!!! She shook her head and continued to get ready for training.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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