Chapter 10

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Ello!! Sorry for the Canadian accent... My dad use to live near Canada, so the accent's got me being a Canadian. Ignore this and keep reading fellow wattpaders.))

Zane's POV

Foregein Languages ended up being easy enough, and with all that sitting, I was ready to stretch my legs. Luckily, my next class was P.E.

I caught up with Cole and Lloyd on the way, and Katie and her friends were close behind. "Hey, Zane," she said. "This is my friend, Reagan, known to the boxing underword as Shawty McPunch." Reagan rolled her eyes, and, I was confused. Seeing this, Katie explained.

"Relax, it's a joke. I just like annoying this one." She attempted to poke Reagan, who narrowly dodged her.

As we entered the gym, a bell wnet off, and Katie sighed with relief. "Phew, just made it," She said. "Coach M. makes us do push ups if we're late."

I raised an eyebrow at this, but made no comment, and joined the rest of the ninja in the boy's line.

After everyone has changed into their gym clothes, we wnet out, and started walking while the dance class used the gym. Katie caught up with me, and asked me what may be the most random question ever. "Are you albino?"

"No, why?" she shrugged.

"Just wanted to know, because your hair's really white, but I guess you're just like Draco Malfoy."

"Does he go here?" It was an honest question but Katie looked at me funny.

"He's a book character. Haven't you ever heard of Harry Potter?" I shook my head, and Katie looked mortified.

"You poor thing!" She said. "You must check out the first book immediately; your life will not be complete without reading every book, and seeing every movie. I will make you want to go back to Hogwarts, mark my words!"

"I've never been to Hogwarts in the first place, how can I go back?" I asked, but Katie didn't hear me. The buzzer went off, telling us that we were supposed to start running. At the end of six minutes, I wasn't even out of breath, but Katie was panting. "You okay?" I asked, and she nodded.

"Just not very athletic. I'm more of a 'mind over matter' gal, y'know" she smiled, and I returned the gesture.

We ended up playing 'speedball' a mix of basketball and soccer. I joined Katie and Reagan's team, and the rest of the ninjas split up on the rest of the teams. Our team leader (Who's name I can't recall. It was some color... Blue or Brown maybe?) jumped up, and got on the court , so the rest of us followed suit.

I didn't have much time to talk to the either of the girls, since our team was on the court for most of the class. As it turns out, I'm quite good at speedball, and, we went undefeated. After class, we all changed into our uniforms again, and headed to our first core class. Katie and Reagan were waiting for me outside the gym along with Lloyd and Cole. "What class do you have next Zane?" Cole and Katie said in tandem. After they realized what they'd done, they looked at each other and blushed, turning away quickly. Reagan and Lloyd smirked.

"Uh... Advanced Math." I said racking my brain. I had atempted to memorize my schedule so that I didn't have to keep looking at it.

"Epic! That's with me!" Katie said. "Lloyd and Cole have class with Reagan. C'mon, I'll walk there with you." We walked to class together, stopping quickly to drop off our gym bags, and for Katie to grab her laptop. (The school issued them to those in Alegebra [which Katie wasn't] and Advanced Language Arts [which she was]) The boy who usually sat next to Katie, moved, so, I took a seat next to her.

Soon enough, after an awkward class-wide introduction, the teacher began talking about some kind of pre-alegbra thing. I really didn't pay attention; I could just read over the notes Katie said she'd let me copy, and understand it all later. When the teacher wasn't looking, she passed me a note.

Hey! :) I'm so~ bored right now. How 'bout you?

Same. I replied

Haha, glad to know I'm not alone. ;P Still can't believe you've never heard of Harry Potter though.

Is it that good?

She gave me a serious look, and replied: Good? More like super-mega-foxy-awesome-hot! I swear, I'm going to get you to love it!!!

I smiled. Okay, then. I'll try reading it as soon as I can get a copy.

Well, if you have Mrs. Edwards next, we can go together then. I have to drop off a book anyway.

Sounds like a plan. I found myself smiling as I wrote this. This girl was starting to grow on me, like the insane little sister I never knew I wanted until now.

Katie was now doodling on our paper, and I could only make out a few drawings. There was some guy saying "Bored, Jawn," , a blue phone booth of some sort, and a few drawing of a guy that seemed very annoyed

"Who's he?" I pointed at the last drawing, and Katie grinned.

"Ian Kabra," she said. "He's a book character I'm obsessed with."

The bell rang, and the teacher dismissed us. Katie and I both headed up to Language arts, babbling back and forth about one thing or another.

Maybe, being young again wasn't so bad.

                                                                        Katie's POV

"Zane," I announced after Language Arts, you are officially my bro."

He looked a tad confused, but nodded anyway. "Thanks, I guess?"

"I am going to teach you the ways of the modern nerd, from AVPM to why everyone else in the world says 'Zed' instead of 'Zee', and that right there-" I tapped a copy of Harry potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, which Zane had gotten during calss. "Is just the begining."

He rolled his eyes but smiled all the same. "Should I be scared?" 

I smiled wickedly. "Not unless you fear ou cannot hold the awesome!" We both laughed.

Zane and I split up for I/E (no clue what it stands for, but it's utterly pointless), but I soon spotted another of his friends in my class. It was the auburn hair boy, who was sitting dismally in the back of the room, fiddling with a pencil. I sat down beside him "Hey," I said. "You're Zane's friend, right?"

Upon hearing my voice, the boy instantly perked up. "Yeah, I'm Jay!" He said, and I mentally slapped myself. Zane, Cole, Lloyd, and now Jay?! I thought. If the last one's name is Kai, I'll die.

"Nice to meet you, Jay. You were the one talking to Sunny earlier, right?" he nodded.

"Yeah, I'm glad someone's talking to me. Man starting over's tough!" I nodded sympathetically.

"I assume you has a bad day so far?" I asked, and he nodded.

"Terrible is more like it!" He sighed. "I just had Math, and Language Arts first period. My two least favorite classes."

"Well it can only get better from there, right?" he smiled as I said this.

"Yeah, I guess so!" he said happily.

The teacher dismissed us, and Jay began talking my ear off on the way down to lunch. I didn't care though. Four ninjas down, one to go.

How was that for a chapter? Trust me, this was 7 pages long in a notebook. I probably won't let Athena do more than one POV a chapter... I guess this was a test run! Hope you enjoyed!! 

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