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︎Lilliana found herself lost in the bustling streets of California. She had been trying to navigate the unfamiliar town for an entire week but to no avail. She felt overwhelmed by the crowds, the noise, and the unfamiliar sights and sounds.

As she walked aimlessly, she stumbled upon a quaint little cafe that immediately caught her eye. The cafe was nestled in a cozy corner of the street, surrounded by colorful flowers and plants that gave it a warm and inviting feel. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted out of the open door, mingling with the sweet scent of pastries and cakes.

The charming little white building had pink shuttered windows with flowers hanging from the door. Two small tables adorned the front of the cafe, and the sign read "Belle Nourriture" in pink lettering.

Lilliana was inexplicably drawn to the cafe by an unfamiliar sense of attraction. Lilliana's curiosity piqued, and she decided to step inside. As she pushed open the door, she was greeted by the sound of soft music and the hum of conversation. The interior of the cafe was just as charming as its exterior, with rustic wooden tables and chairs, soft lighting, and colorful artwork adorning the walls.

She made her way over to the line, standing behind an elderly couple, who were holding hands. The couple, with their silver hair and charming Southern accents, was placing their order with the employee.

The worker was a beautiful woman with long brown hair, chocolate brown skin, dark green eyes, and a white shirt. She wore light blue jeans and a pink employee apron that covered most of her outfit. When the couple finished their order, Lilliana stepped forward to take their place.

"Welcome to Belle Nourriture. What can I get for you?" the employee asked with a smile.

Just then, the door chimed again, and Lilliana turned to see two loud guys enter the cafe, shouting. A third man followed behind them, holding a camera pointed at the duo, seemingly recording their behavior.

The first boy was tall and skinny, with floppy brown hair, and wore yellow shorts and a black tee. He flashed a charismatic smile at the camera. The other guy was more muscular and older, in his 20s perhaps, with darker brown hair. He was more energetic and loud than his friend as he moved around.

In sync, the two boys started shouting at the camera, causing everyone in the cafe to stare at them. The commotion had disturbed almost everyone in the cafe, but the two boys paid no mind to the attention they were receiving, continuing their recording. The cameraman moved to the right, getting a different angle as he held a thumbs-up.

Lilliana turned back around to the cashier and smiled. "Not them again," the employee muttered, turning her gaze to Lilliana. Lilliana didn't understand what the lady meant but decided not to question it.

"I will take a garden salad," Lilliana said to the employee. The worker typed it on the register, and Lilliana watched as she added it to her order.

"Do you want anything to drink with that?" the employee asked.

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