Chapter Two: The Crazy

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I looked for what must've been a good five minutes before putting my finger down.

She held the same crazy smile on her face all the while before repeating what she had said earlier, "I'm Nadine and I need your help-"

"Yeah, I got that the first time."I interrupted, "I don't get why you're following me though?"

"That... is a long story," She says nodding her head, her whisps of white-blonde hair shaking with her."Maybe we can talk inside, I probably should speak to your parents too."

"My parents?" I questioned as I walked around the car.

What could she possibly want that needed to involve my parents?

I stepped in front of her as we walked back up the driveway and I put the key into the front door. I looked back at her, with a suspicious look in my eye before I turned back around and opened the front door.

I walked in and held open the door for letting her in and closing the door behind us.

My dad's head popped out of the kitchen, "Did you forget something, Zach?"

"We have a guest," I say gesturing to Nadine, who I made sure to keep at least six feet away from me as I introduced her, "She said she has something important to talk to you and Mom about."

My mom walked out of the kitchen next looking Nadine up and down before turning on her heel and going back into the kitchen and coming back out with one of her business cards, "I'm sorry, I don't really take clients in my house, I can give you the address and phone number to my firm and we can meet there."

"I don't need a lawyer, Ma'am." Nadine watched my mom almost comically from her towering height, "I'm actually here to discuss your son."

My mom seemed to take in Nadine's thick accent before looking back at me, "Why, is he in some sort of trouble?"

I shrugged and shook my head at her showing I had no idea what was going on.

Charity sauntered into the foyer, a wide smirk painted on her face, "So what'd you do, huh, cheat? Rob a bank?"

"The only person I've ever robbed is you... of a brain." I leaned back satisfied with myself once Charity pulled back rolling her eyes at me before looking back at Nadine.

"That's enough!" My mom said, her eyebrows raised.

Nadine smiled again before continuing, "It's nothing like that, but it is definitely something of the utmost importance... may we continue inside?"

My parents locked eyes before my mom looked back at before gesturing towards the family room, "Right this way."

As soon as everyone had picked a seat and settled in, Nadine pulled out a manila envelope that I hadn't noticed in the crook of her arm before.

"My name is Nadine and I am a member of the Special Covert Operations Force in the country Amaris."

"I don't think I've ever heard of that," my dad said his chef's hat slowing sliding down the back of his head, "Is it on any maps?"

"No it is not," Nadine answered curtly, "We're small french speaking country off the coast of Spain, and our main export is oil, fine cloths, and materials."

I nodded hoping she would quickly get to the part that had to do with me.

She opens that manila packet and pulls out a picture of a man and woman who I assume are the rulers of Amaris, mostly due to the clothes they were wearing that looked like they cost more than my house.

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