Chapter Three: The Madness Begins

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December surprisingly came quickly, and I had just finished preparing for my stats final.

The morning of the last day of school before winter break(and possibly my last day of school period) I sat in my stats class waiting for the final to start, and Carter leaned forward in his seat next to me. "Dude, this is the last day of school for you now, aren't you excited?"

I turned sideways in my seat facing him, "I'm not sure if excited is the word, more like nauseous if anything."

"Ok, YOU, need to relax. Think of this as an extended summer vacation except you get to have a lot of money and possibly meet Prince Harry."

"Prince Harry isn't from Amaris, and I'm very sure that I won't be given any money until I actually seal the deal there." I chuckled.

"What I'm trying to say is enjoy this experience while you can. It's not every day that you get to be a prince of a foreign country, people would literally kill for that."

I didn't say anything and stared down at the floor. It was rare that Carter gave words of wisdom and when he did they were usually right. "Your right. This might actually be fun."

"That's a lot better, how much are you getting paid?"

"Nadine said upwards of 300,000 dollars."

Carter choked on his own saliva for a couple of seconds before looking at me, "You're gonna be rich!"

My eyes widened and I looked around the classroom before hissing at him, "Tell the whole class why don't you."

"Dude that's a lot of money." he said lowering his voice. "What are you gonna do with it?"

"I haven't really thought about it to be honest." And before he could reply our teacher silenced the class as she began handing out the finals.

I thought about Carter's question as I waited for her to give me my exam. I was probably gonna use some of the money for college, but other than that I had no idea what I was gonna do with it.

An exam being slapped on my desk interrupted my thoughts and I pulled out a pencil and got started


Carter and I walked out through the pool of students and the double doors and into the parking lot.

I couldn't stress how grateful I was that the tennis season was over. We hadn't even gotten close to getting to championships, and Coach Lake had made us pay dearly for it with four-hour practices that left me practically wearing ice packs to school.

I had packed a couple of suitcases yesterday and carpooled with Carter to school today because I would be leaving right after school was out. Sure enough, when I looked by Carter's car, a black unmarked Sedan was parked right next to it. Nadine had stressed that it was of utmost importance that I get to Amaris as soon as possible. Seeing the car suddenly made the whole situation very real and my nausea returned as quickly as it had disappeared earlier.

"Holy shit, what am I doing."My breaths started becoming faster as my anxiety started creeping in.

"Hey!" Carter exclaimed almost making me jump into a group of giggling sophomores behind me. "Don't chicken out now, your destiny is in that bulletproof sedan!"

"Yeah, you're right I say breathily," as we pulled my suitcases out of his car.

A tall and ridiculously buff guy came and collected them sticking them into the back of the ominous vehicle. I shook myself out before walking around the car and grabbing a handle of the backseat door. Carter got into his car making the ok sign at me before putting his keys in the ignition and driving off. Letting out the breath that I'd been holding, I opened the door, took a seat in the middle of the car, and then shut the door.

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