Welcome to The Dark II

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"Thomas? Are you okay?" A meek voice had asked Thomas as he stared at the rain racing down the window, trying to see through the heavy fog as he witnessed a black object pull up at the front of the asylum. 

Tearing his eyes away from the window, Thomas turned his head to be met with the innocent look of his friend –more or less his acquaintance- a curious young woman who goes by the name of Carol, who was placed in the institute due to her outstanding bipolar issues.

Thomas nodded his head as a response, but slightly jumped as the short haired brunette slapped down a clipboard and a pencil on his lap.

"I'd like a two-way conversation every once in a while," she simply stated at the confused look Thomas was giving her, yet again, Thomas nodded his head, this time in understanding.

 "Do you want to play twenty questions? I'd like to get to know the mysterious hunk more and rub it in Lisa's face." Carol rambled on, leaning forward gazing into his deep oceanic blue eyes.

'A very curious woman indeed.'

Once more, Thomas had nodded his head, adding in a shrug to show his indecisiveness.

"Great!" Carol exclaimed as her green eyes shone brightly with excitement. 

The said brunette started to pace around the room as she pondered on her first question.

"Hmm," she hummed, slowly looking back over to Thomas with a sly look in her eye.

"Have you lost your V-card?" She questioned slowly with a slight smirk which soon turned into a wide grin when she witnessed the platinum blonde shake his head.

"No way," Carol whispered in disbelief. "You? A virgin? Wait, so you've never-? Not even-? Wow." She continued with wide eyes, while making obscene gestures with her hands before she started to giggle and then finally fell into full shouts of laughter while Thomas just stood by the window dumbstruck and embarrassed. His face was flushed and his forehead was slowly dampening due to his embarrassment. 

As Carol's laughter continued, the blue-eyed male started to grow irritated and his face had hardened. His eyes set heavily in a glare as he continued to watch the woman in front of him laugh.

With an annoyed sigh, Thomas started to write on the clipboard before holding it up to show his messy writing to the giggling woman what he had written; "Stop laughing! It was a choice!" 

Which caused the woman to reply with, "probably not your choice," before she fell back into her fit of giggles.

Thomas, no longer wanting to put up with Carols torment, stormed out of the recreation room and strode down the hall as the blush on his face slowly started to diminish. His footsteps echoed all around the hall as he absentmindedly walked around lost in thought, when he had bumped into a glass wall. Being brought back to reality, Thomas only just realized that he had reached the glass wall that separated the main hospital from the front desk. Peering through the glass, he witnessed a strange looking man in a straight jacket, drenched from the rain, wriggling to get free, but was held in place by two burly looking men who looked annoyed as they conversed with the middle-aged woman who was sitting behind the oak desk.

The man in the straight jacket had crazy, jet black hair that was flat against his head due to the rain, with wide brown eyes reflecting the insanity within. 

'What a strange person.' Thomas had thought staring at the man when he suddenly jumped as their eyes met. Steely blue meeting an abyss of brown, cause a shiver of nervousness to run down his spine, slightly unnerved, Thomas slowly backed away, witnessing the man shake with laughter as he threw his head back in amusement. 

The blonde had turned on his heel and raced down the hall wanting to be alone; he seeked for his room. As he was running, Thomas had failed to notice the figure of a man heading in his direction until they had clashed, papers flung everywhere as both bodies fell to the ground with a loud thud.

"By Jove!" The voice had called at the shock of the impact, "are you alright there Tom? You seem a bit flustered." The heavily accented voice of the Irish Doctor - Doctor Marone.

Thomas only shook his head as he helped the man recollect all of his papers when he noticed that it was a fairly new file; which seemed to contain the port folio and photo of the man outside the glass. All Thomas had time to read was that the mans name was Steven and he had a sense of acute paranoia.

 The paper was carefully wrenched out of his hands as the middle-aged doctor tended to fixing the port folio.

With a curt nod, the Irishman quickly gathered his things and made his way down the hall towards reception, walking with a slight limp as Thomas continued to watch the man walk until he had rounded the corner. Turning on his own heel, Thomas continued on his way toward his room, when all of a sudden his vision started to blur.

Feeling lightheaded, Thomas lent against the wall as his sight started to cloud around the edges, a pounding headache had emerged and started to hammer against the thick of his skull. Clutching his head in pain, Thomas slid down to the fall, his head still cradled in his arms. 

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