Chapter 2

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Kristina Delarosa

You okay Kris?"

"Huh?" I replied blankly to Leonard as I didn't quite comprehend his question. Let's just say my brain hasn't had enough coffee to drink this morning. My husband, and soon to be that is, has been banging his secretary and I'm to feel ok?! It's been a week and I've been avoiding Clara as if she were a plague.

How ironic. She is a walking plague. A parasite created to ruin the lives of women who target the one person she's obsessed with. The question that keeps haunting me is if she did it intentionally. And no I'm not avoiding her because she scares me which she doesn't. I'm afraid that if we cross paths I won't be able to hold myself back from gauging her eyes out.

A little too much?

Who am I kidding? Mr.  even know I exist. I'm just another one of his many employees used to make him profit from the services he provide. With that said, if I don't do my job like I'm supposed to then I'm out the door. I release a breath of exhaustion as I rest my elbows on my desk and place my head in it.

Get it together Kris. Stop stressing over someone who's dumb enough to not seek out your existence. We are better than this. It's his fault for not trying to find out who you are.

He is allowed to have his love life until I arrange how we meet. On second thought, maybe we shouldn't meet at all. I fear that I'll just break down and cry in front of him like some psychopath. Today, I didn't put any effort in my outfit, losing all hope in meeting Ezio. Just the thought of it made my eyes swell with tears.

So I held onto my virginity for nothing. My thick curly hair was in a messy bun and I had on my favourite denim capri jeans with dark blue V neck shirt that slightly showed my cleavage. That itself was a sign because usually I'd wear and under blouse but I didn't.

Only if you listened to at least one of your brothers then maybe you wouldn't be in this mess.

Kinda wishing my conscience had a mute button right now.

"Maybe you should take the day off."

"No I'm fine." If I do that then I'd have nothing to take this betrayal of my mind so it's better I drown myself in work and hope I faint. So we can sue this company. Good plan if I do say so myself.

"Then at least go get some coffee."

"No it's fine. I don't want any coffee." I massage my temple for a short while before switching the computer on. Can't believe I really forgot to do that.

"Then what do you want?"

"To be Mr. Bayek's secretary." I mumble under my breath as I sulk even harder than before. Clara sure is one lucky woman.

"Well you need to choose. Coffee or day off but I will not have you sulking like this." Leonard said while pulling me from my chair. Guess my mind strayed off again because I did not hear when he left his desk nor when he was approaching. He pushed me to the office door after wiping the tear stains from my cheek. He didn't give me my pocketbook so that mean he already made the decision for me and that was coffee.

I sulked my way to the elevator, ignoring the countless eyes that followed my every move and stepped in. I eventually reached the ginormous lunch room and shuffled to the counter with a semi-frown. I ordered a chocolate mocha latte and a deli sandwich before taking a seat by the window area. Don't think it's gonna take too long.

"Ms. Delarosa?" The counter lady called. Well that was a lot quicker than I thought. I walked to the counter and collected the hot beverage and sandwich. Once I spin around I bumped into a hard surface and spilled my coffee over a very expensive Armani suit.

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