4. Motherfluffer (Anaroceit, Intrulogicaliceit)

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A bullet fic about Janus' hair, because this is one of the important things in life obviously.

(Which, for the other five sides, it really is. Duh.)


Pairing(s): Anaroceit (Roman | Creativity + Virgil | Anxiety + Janus | Deceit), Intrulogicaliceit(?) (Remus | Dark Creativity + Logan | Logic + Patton | Morality + Janus | Deceit), idk the proper ship names but tbh it's just focused on Janus + everyone

Content Warning(s): swearing, teasing, lemme know if there are any I should add bc I got nuthin' atm lol


 - SO

 - under his hat, Janus actually has really, really fluffy hair

 - it's nice and soft and puffy and glossy and it's honestly fricking beautiful because he takes so much pride in his appearance as a whole that he can't just not take care of his hair, even if he hates it

 - which, he does, for that matter, hate his hair

 - it's just...yeah, it looks nice, and it feels nice, but...it's so fluffy and cute, and Janus of all people is most certainly not supposed to be cute, so in that it is utterly detestible, Janus thinks

 - hence why he is always wearing his bowler hat

 - it's just seemingly nonsensical that deceit of all sides would have a mess of floof atop his head. it doesn't look very serious or scary or snake-y at all, it doesn't suit him whatsoever, and the decided lack of aesthetic of it all is horrid, if you ask Janus

 - (not that anyone would ask Janus, because none of the other sides know about his hair, nor will they ever know about it if Janus gets his way with it)

 - ((he doesn't. get his way with it, that is))


 - our story begins with that first Sanders Sides Asides, in which Roman steals Janus' hat to use when they're "voting" on which movie to watch together

 - contrary to popular belief, Janus does actually kinda-sorta want to join them all for movie night

 - (Frozen isn't good, he totally hates it, he doesn't identify with Hans at all and he totally doesn't hate Disney for doing Hans a dirty with their last-minute decision to turn him into a bad guy)

 - besides, even Remus is going to this movie night thing, for goshsake

 - and even if the others still don't really like him, surely they can tolerate being in the same vicinity as Janus if he's quiet and shuts up and just watches the movie, right??

 - (he doesn't even have to sit with them on the couch or hell, he doesn't even have to be in the living room at all. he can just stand in the kitchen or sit on the stairs and watch from there if that makes them all feel better)


 - so Janus is preparing to get ready for the movie night

 - he's wearing his darkest black capelet and his nicest silk yellow shirt and the slacks he knows make his butt look best, and he's even doing actual fancyish makeup too to top it all off. and if asked he'll say it's just because Thomas had been planning on going out for the night, hadn't he

 - (it's not because he cares what the other sides think of him and how he looks. it's not because they're all stupidly attractive without even trying and because he'll never be able to measure up to all that because of his goddamned snake face. it's not because he wants to impress them. it's not)

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