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Bobby walks slowly into his family's mansion, unlocking the door quickly before stealthily sliding open the door and forms a relieved smile when he sees the surrounding in the mansion is dark, which means everyone is already sleeping. He closes the door softly, making sure it doesn't produce any sound and walks relaxingly to the living room before hearing the 'click' sound. He automatically stops his track, dumbfounded a bit.

The living room instantly becomes bright.

And there he is.

His father.

Sitting on the gigantic couch with his sharp eyes gazing upon his son, who knows he fucks up big time.

"Where have you been?" He asks the son, his voice flat.

Bobby sighs lightly, "Didn't I tell you already? I went out with my friends."

The father also sighs, "Your friends?" He picks some pictures on the table and throws right to Bobby's face, "What kind of friends you are hanging out with, huh? Smoking, clubbing, partying... Kissing in public?"

Bobby glances at the scattering photos on the floor and gasps in disbelief, "You spied on me, Dad?'

"That's not the problem now, Kim Jiwon-"

"I told you my name is Bobby now!" He retorts back frustratedly.

His father bit his lower lip, "Why did you hate that name so much? It's the name that your mother gave you-"

"That's why I hate it even more. Because that bitch-" and a hard slap is received by him.

He looks up while his hand holding his aching cheeks, "Dad..."

"Don't rudely call her bitch. She is still your mother-" 

Bobby snorts, "She WAS my mother. That's that," and he turns around before entering his own room, leaving his father.

The father sighs heavily as he looks at the family photo hanging on the wall with a bitter smile. "I'm sorry, honey. He really hates you now. I can't do anything about it. I can't even tell him the truth about you."

He sits back on the couch, massaging his own temple as he thinks of everything that happened.

Then, startling him, he hears loud sound of hiphop songs coming out from his son's room. He grits his teeth, "This punk..."

The next morning, the father opens the door to his son's room slowly and smiles seeing the younger still sleeping soundly, his legs sprawling on the bed, his blanket crumpled on the edge of the bed while his head is hidden under the pillow.

The father shakes his head amusingly and walks toward the bed, sitting just beside Bobby's head. He pats the younger's head, wanting to wake him, but as expected, he fails.

"Bobby, wake up," he calls out, shaking the said boy's body a little bit too strongly, making the son groans out of annoyance.

The older still smiles and says again, "Bobby, today you have class to attend."

"I don't want," he mumbles lazily, "I don't want to go to class."

"If you don't get up, I will attack you with kisses!" He warns his son but the latter only scoffs, "Do whatever you want. I still don't want to wake up~"

"You said so," with that saying, he starts to pamper the other with forceful kisses on his son's forehead, nose and cheeks, but still no response. So you really like it when I shower you with kisses like this. Even you act like you don't.

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