Soon to be mum

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That next morning I woke up cuddled into dracos chest with he's strong arms around me I started to slowly close my eyes until I felt my stomach hurt I ran to the bathroom and vomited instantly it kept going on for around 2 minutes until draco woke and ran into the bathroom "baby what's wrong" he said falling to the fall putting he's arms around me "I don't kno-"I vomited again he held on to me and whispered "it'll be okay love" after I finished me and draco sat on the bathroom floor me setting on him with my head on he's shoulder I think I knew why I was vomiting and felt heavy headed a lot "draco" I said with a low voice "yes baby?" He said looking down at me "I -I think I'm pregnant" I starting crying softly "oh my love my sweet baby girl it's going to be fine I'm here shh I'm here" he lowered his voice saying this and rocked me back and forth I was some what scared and happy knowing he was here ...

A couple days later we got a pregnancy test and took it I sat on the the toilet set waiting for the answer draco was doing he's hair in the mirror , I could tell he was nervous he's been off these past couple days we both have .. 2 minutes later the timer went off draco stop and stared at me as my shaking hand picked up the test it read


My heart sunk as I dropped the test started to cry with my head in my hands draco saw the two lines on it and picked me up hugging me rubbing circles on my back I wiped my tears and looked In he's eyes "to late to buy a Condam" I said slowly letting out a little smile draco laughed looked down "maybe for next time darling" I started to know that this baby was going to be good for us "are we keeping it" he started and held my hand "yes" draco slowly smiled he was scared but hiding it from me I could
Tell .

The past 5 weeks went in quick we would go to the hospital wing ever so often to make sure are child was well he told are close friends and family about us And the baby my mother was happy so was he's are fathers were shit guys and didn't care, I was only 1 month and a week and I could already tell draco was going to be a brilliant father he would hug my stomach every night and sang to our baby we was set on it being a boy and I didn't mind the thought of a mini draco running
Around .

I was happy about this child

Dracos dirty secret Where stories live. Discover now