
"Morning Ma." I said, eating breakfast.

"Morning Hope." Ma said as she give me a look

"Morning Princess." Pa gives me a kiss, "Want me drive you to school today?"

"Nah, Spring and Summer are driving me." I said,

"You know they hated it when you call them that." Ma said

"Autumn and Winter have no problem with it." I said

"Sky and Paige," Ma said, "If you kept calling them that, your Aunt Will will murder you. She hate those names."

"I know." I laughs, I love my cousin, but it's fun pissing them off.

"Hope, we're here!" Rose shouts, "Get your ass off here."

"That's my cue to leave, later Birth giver and baby maker!" I said as I walked out.

I went into the car, it's just us three, "where are your siblings?"

"They have their own car." Rose chuckled, "Paige tricked Ma into buying her one, I think Aunt Bella taught her that. They will come and get Dylan a bit later, I told them I'm not driving him."

"Speaking of Aunt Bella, have you heard that Chloe and Arthur blows up the entire pipe system in school and get away with it?" I asked them.

"No, but actually?" Hannah asked

"Yeah, apparently they miscalculated the explosions, it was supposed to be just that washroom. But it ended up destroying all the pipe system. Uncle Eli's not happy, he know it's them but have no proof, so those two are grounded until they turn themselves in."

"I have a feeling that they won't." Rose chuckle, "making them turn themselves in is like killing them, beside, since when did grounded them work."

"They're grade 5 and 6, what were we doing when we're their age?" I asked

"Pushing boys into mud and throw Dylan under the bus." Hannah laughs, "I'm telling you, those are the good old days."

We arrived at school, and I get to Hope's locker, "Hey stranger." Someone come and bump me in the shoulder, then he looked at my leg, "What in the name of cupcake happen to you?"

"A car happened." I sigh

"Hope, I told you, don't test the theory on which on is harder: the leg or the car."

I chuckle, "a little too late for that, anyway, I'll see you in class."

"Who is that? He looks hot." I asked Rose after that guy disappears around the corner.

"Kevin Lockhart. He's Hope's best friend so don't even think about it." Rose said

"What, I wasn't thinking anything. Now tell me how Hope and he did mostly, because you two say he also might found out."

"Hope calls him stranger, he calls Hope bestie, sometimes it's the other way around, but usually she just called him twit." She explain, "You two talked about almost everything."

"Okay." I put my backpack in my locker.

"Hey Uncle Josh." We said hi as someone walked past.

"Hey Hope and Rose." He smile as he walked away,

"Do I have him this year?" I asked

"I think you do, but it's in the second semester. Uncle Josh teaches LA." Rose said

"Nice." I said.

"OFFICE NOW!" I saw a teacher dragging Daniel to the office. Uncle Tommy will not be happy about this, lol.

I wonder what have he done this time?


"Hey." Ryan sit down beside me, "What are you thinking?"

"Not much." I chuckle, "Maybe about how and why ice cream melts."

"You and your ways." He laugh, "it melts because of science."

"Or maybe it melts because it doesn't want to get eaten, so it choose to melt before disappears into someone stomach." I give him a look

"Who are you and what have you done to my friend ?" He joked

That's the moment I realize I'm not acting like Faith, I have to act like Faith.

"Well, I'm here and maybe you need a set of glasses." I tried my best to talk like Faith.

"Funny, my sight are perfectly fine." He chuckled, "so anything happened lately?"

"Yeah, have you heard that my little cousin send people to the hospital?"

"Which one?"

"The trouble twin." I chuckle, "Lydia and Liam."

"Why." He asked

"Oh, it might be people at school laughed at them because their dads." I shrugs, "They have no mercy if someone said something about Uncle Josh or Uncle Eddy."

"How many did they send?"

"From what I heard, two of them against ten kids, they send all of them into hospital and they have no bruise or cuts on them."

"How did they even do that?" He asked

"My guess is that grandpa Jake taught them how to fight, he was an agent."

"You have an interesting family." He told me

"And you just know that now?" I give him a look, "you know me for how long, three years. Tool."

"Hey! I'm not a tool."

"Close enough." I shrugged.

I could have say the same to Kevin, since he had known me for three years, but can't figure out the one that break the leg is Faith instead of me.


"Who is that and why is she keep looking at us?" I asked Jill as someone keep staring at me.

"That's Lisa, Ryan's ex." She said, "Ryan said they end on good turn, but by the looks on her, I would said otherwise."

"I would say that too." I chuckle, "Kids these days and their problems."

"Hey!" Mack sits down beside us, "What's new."

"Just regular teenager and their love life." I said, "Kids these day need to made up there mind, not just goofing around without feeling, now days people enjoy hump and dump too much."

"Since when is Faith Annabelle James the almighty love master, beside, you sound like my grandma." Ryan sits down beside her

"First, since my twit of a sister decided to break her leg, second, your grandma have to be old, do you see me with any grey hair? If she's awesome like my Grammy, it might be a whole other story."

Jill facepalm herself, damnit, I forgot I'm not Hope again.

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