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❛𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙭𝙞𝙞

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𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙭𝙞𝙞.

AKECHI KNEW THAT he was getting far too attached to Ren than he had originally planned. He had to do something to create a space between the two before he fell too deeply. He also didn't want Ren to hurt too much when he betrayed them. Akechi was a bad person, but he still had a heart. That heart belonged to Ren, and it always would even if they couldn't be together. Sometimes the detective prince found himself thinking about if things were different. If Shido wasn't in the picture and the phantom thieves never existed. Would they have just another cliche love story with a happy ending? Akechi thought about this possibility a little too much than he'd like to admit.

Everything about his current situation made the boy upset. On the outside, he always looked calm and collected. He knew that what he was doing was wrong on so many levels. It was evil. Ren had so delicately placed his heart in Akechi's hands and he was going to have to stomp all over it in order to get what he desired. Originally, his plan was flawless until he started to get to know a certain black haired boy. Now his whole world was turned upside down.

"Oh Ren, if only things had been different. I hate that I have to tarnish such a beautiful flower for something like this." Akechi held the rose close to him that he wanted to give to Ren. Stopping himself from doing so was the only thing he could do so he could increase the gap between the two. Hopefully, Ren would fall for Ryuji as much as Akechi had fallen for him. That would be very ideal so nobody's heart would have to get broken, except for his.


Today was Akechi's meeting with Shido, he was anything but happy.

"You've been slacking." The bald man said as soon as Akechi walked through the big door of his office. The place looked far too extravagant to be occupied by a villain.

"I've been busy being a high school student." Akechi sighed, he was already not having it. Being in the same room as the person who made him the way he was sickened him.

"I'll let you off the hook this time, but I suggest you get your act together. I doubt that you will like the consequences if you refuse to do so." Was he really threatening him? The detective's blood boiled. It looked like he was going to have to speed up his plan to take his stepfather down.

"You piss me off, Shido. I will do what I want. Don't test me. At the end of the day, you're only successful because I get rid of anyone who would even think of tarnishing your reputation. What would happen if that suddenly stopped?" Akechi laughed evilly. He wanted nothing more than to have his hands stained of his own father's blood.

"Whatever, don't mess up again." The man grumbled. Akechi really hit him where it hurt. If the detective prince wasn't there, he would've only had a fraction of the power that he had now.

"Now, don't call me in for a meaningless meeting next time." Akechi was growing angry and decided to leave before Shido's guards jumped him.

Akechi slammed the door, making one of the guards jump and stomped out of the place. He was furious. His stepfather really needed to drop dead, he was absolutely sick of him. His face, his attitude, everything. Akechi absolutely despised his father, rightfully so. Shido treated him like the scum of the earth and expected him to obey his every command just because of their relation. Causing mental shutdowns left and right for his gain was already enough. Just why was he asking for so much? Perhaps his politician career could finally be taking a hit?

Whether his father was doing it for fun or because of his career, Akechi couldn't dwell on it anymore. He had to meet with Sae to discuss their case on the phantom thieves.


"Hello, Akechi." Sae said as the tall teenager sat down across from her.

"Sae-san." Akechi made himself sound as cheerful as possible. It was difficult for him to mask his anger. He was usually good at masking mostly any sort of emotion that he had, but the anger he felt towards his father was overpowering.

"Let's get this done quickly. I have another appointment after this." The prosecutor sighed. Akechi was very grateful to hear those words, he didn't want to stay any longer than he had to.

"I also have some personal matters to attend to after this." Akechi clenched his fists under the table. It seemed as if the tiniest thing could tick him off.

"So far, there hasn't been much progress towards finding the identities of the so called 'phantom thieves'. However, there has been another confession. Junya Kaneshiro, who claims to be the mafia boss the police have been looking for. He has has admitted to scamming and threatening people. We believe that this has to be the work of the phantom thieves, considering he was untouchable up until his confession." The detective prince acted as if he was taking in the info he already knew. Sae looked very distressed for some reason. Akechi figured that she wasn't getting enough sleep just like him.

"I see. I haven't heard much or seen much about the phantom thieves before this information. I don't think that you should jump to conclusions so quickly. That is quite a big thing to put onto a group that we don't even know exists." He tried his best to sound convincing. It really wasn't needed because nobody would ever suspect that one of the teen greatest detectives was working alongside the phantom thieves. Akechi really felt off of his game today. Piecing together lies was usually easy as can be, he didn't know why it was a lot harder this time.

"I figured as much. They really are a tough group. It's difficult to find any leads. I still believe that they do exist, though." Sae was disappointed that Akechi knew even less than she did, he was usually great at putting things together and solving cases quickly. Was he holding back in some way?

"I shall take my leave now. I'll contact you if I find any leads, Sae-san." The light-brown haired teen gritted his teeth and walked out of the place. Shido was really getting to him today and it infuriated him.

𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭. (goro akechi x ren amamiya) Where stories live. Discover now