V. An Offer

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Mara knew well that she was being watched as she brought the flint and steel together, showering her char cloth and tinder with expertly struck sparks. Aallotar had moved back against the cave wall like she feared even the promise of flames, but her golden eyes followed every movement of the huntress's hands with relentless curiosity.

"You really don't use fire, do you?" Mara said, surprised. How did Aallotar eat food or stay warm? Winter in the mountains was always brutal, enough to drive even great bears into hibernation to escape the cold.

"No need," Aallotar said, cocking her head slightly as she watched. "It is a thing of mennskr."

"I promise you that it infinitely improves meat," Mara said. There was no way in hell that the wildling had grown to her present height and musculature without eating animal flesh, which meant she'd probably eaten it raw. It was a concept that made Mara wince internally. "You should try it."

Aallotar shifted uncomfortably as the fire caught, slowly growing to consume the tinder before licking at the kindling that Mara had found. "I..."

"I promise it won't hurt," Mara said, flashing Aallotar a winning smile. "Trust me on this."

"When you go and fire is no more?" the wildling said pointedly. "If I like and cannot have again?"

"I can teach you how to do this," Mara offered. "Then you won't even need me."

Aallotar shook her head. "Only mennskr can use."

"Anyone can wield flame, so long as they understand that it is a fine servant and a deadly master," Mara said, carefully bringing her little fire together. She had waited until she had Aallotar's permission for the fire to make it, but the wildling still seemed intimidated by it. She smiled more softly at Aallotar. "If it makes you feel better, I promise I won't hurt you with it. It's just a tool."

"I...suppose." Aallotar sounded dubious, but her posture relaxed slightly. She watched the flames with pensive eyes.

Mara worked away diligently until her makeshift hearth was burning well, but the fire itself was still small. She glanced over at Aallotar often, bruised jaw aching as she gave the wildling a crooked smile. There was something wonderful about the way Aallotar returned the expression shyly. Not that Mara lingered on such a thought long. She knew how this would end, no matter how much Aallotar seemed to want someone around too.

Aallotar stayed at a distance for a good ten minutes before approaching the small fire like it was some wounded predator that could lash out at any distance. "It is warm," she observed as she drew closer, a hesitant smile forming.

"I should hope so," Mara said with amusement, turning her attention now to the trout she'd caught on her evening venture out with Aallotar now that her face was tended to. There was only one fish, but it was one of the largest she'd ever caught. She'd cleaned it already, so now it was only a matter of cooking it. Mara's cooking was always rough and ready, but she did a fine job if one wasn't grading on appearances. She laid out a plate from her pack for the fish as soon as it was roasting away.

Aallotar reached for the fish, to save it from the fire, but Mara flicked the back of her hand just hard enough to dissuade her. "I—"

"Trust me," Mara said gently. She didn't know why or how Aallotar never learned to use fire, but she wouldn't shame the wildling for it. Particularly not since Aallotar was the closest to a friend she'd ever had. "This will make it better. I even have sea salt for it."

"Are you from the seaside?"

"No," Mara explained, carefully arranging her fish over the fire on a forked, green stick spit. "My father's hall is to the southwest. We're almost a month's travel through the mountains from the coast, but we trade with the cities along the fjords. My roots are in the stone still." She flashed Aallotar a smile. "Though not so much as you."

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