Chapter 12

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Running through the unbearable heat of Hell itself, the librarian forced his body to move forward, fearing the possibility that the one accompanying him would be the cause of his downfall. Of course, he knew that his death was arriving faster than he would have liked but he wasn't expecting it to suddenly be so close to him.

Demon: What the- Why is there a human here?

Many turned their heads and saw the outsider run closer, carrying a weapon that was much duller compared to their power. Some exchanged silent questions and those ones grinned, a perfect target for them. Feeling their desires, the man was forced to halt and prepared himself for a fight.

...4 demons, 2 will-o-wisp and 3 onis, all getting too interested about the weak target that has decided to show itself. Something about its aura made the monsters wish for it to die, to scream in agony. Just like any previous guests, they were all controlled by that alluring idea and tried to kill him.


His name could also be heard from behind him, the flow of hatred seeping through everyone's mind like a drug. Completely cornered from all sides, he swung his blade and faked an attack to allow the demon in front of him to raise his guard. Once done, he slipped past them and resumed his sprint. Unlike them, he had little time to do what he needed to do, a silent guillotine placed around his neck with a timer loudly beeping in his mind.

...What for? The day that judgement will be brought upon him for killing the one Hakurei shrine maiden, he knew that something bad was going to happen but he couldn't do anything to stop it.

???: An outsider here of all places?

Many were confused, not used to seeing an outsider casually run around their territory. Not minding the stares, he fled further into the hostile grounds and finally spun around to receive the youkai chasing him. Needless to say that she bolted at him before shooting projectiles, trying to kill him at this point.

Koishi: How lucky of you to be fortunate, you O so wish to be superior yet you remain nothing.

Her emotions manipulated, he was facing yet another ordeal that would be far from simple. Should he kill her or not? If he had no other choice, he knew that he would be forced to do so and that's why he braced himself for that possibility.

Y/N: ...

Blocking the first Danmaku, he advanced forward and received a full hit from one of the attacks created by the girl. With that one hit landing, the others followed and pushed him farther away from his target, not like it mattered since the youkai was going right for him. Inside melee range, she attacked but her efforts were fruitless, meeting the sheath of the blade.

Y/N: I told you many times that you are the fortunate one, yet you seem to never heed my words.

He responded not with violence but with simple kindness, clenching his teeth. That was the truth, she was the one with the most gains while he was scrapping the bottom of the barrel to keep the little amount of happiness that he had to himself. Even willing to go as far as to kill someone, he was more desperate than anyone else.

Y/N: I guess it doesn't really matter.

Swinging his sword in a horizontal motion, the librarian struck the girl's neck with enough strength to cut her breath short. Eyes afflicted with madness lost their bright color and finally closed, passing out from shock. Still standing, the outsider heaved a deep sigh and looked around, witnessing the residents of Hell observing the scene.

???: He took her out like it was nothing, what kind of monster is he?

???: Humans are the biggest monsters to exist apparently, we learn everyday.

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