Chapter 8

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Third Person Omniscient

"I need to get back home!"

"Not so fast." A blonde guy then appeared infront of them.

Kiiro stopped and clicked his tongue. "That uniform, are you with Shingo?"

"Yes, you got that right, Kiiro Yamaguchi." Another person appeared behind them. He wears a female uniform for some reason.

"To think that you guys would come to an extent where you trap two helpless handsome boys, you guys are desperate!"

"Uh, uh, uh. I am a female." The guy wearing female uniform said.

"Shut up, trap."

The trap laughed. "Shut up, helpless person." He said in a manly voice.

"Why are you wearing female uniform though?" Kiiro casually asked.

"I've always wanted to be a female, and now I'm a trap! Nii ~" He then strikes a cute pose.

"Dang. You're too cute for a trap."

"I know right, sometimes, I find myself staring at him." The blonde guy said. "Name's Alexander, by the way."

"Oh, so you're not from here?"

" I was born in the US." Alexander then points at the trap. "And this one's Nino."

"Hello! You're more handsome in person, Kiiro." Nino giggles.

"R-Really? Thank you for that." Kiiro chuckles awkwardly.

"Not a problem." Nino coughs. "Now, prepare to meet your end, Kiiro and Akashi."

"Two of the most important members of Shonen Team, dead? That's a great headline!" Alex laughs menacingly.

"Hah. As if you two can kill me in an instant. The others are already in here few minutes before the moment I am dead." Kiiro gently puts Akashi down. "Rest here buddy, I'll take care of these two."

"You couldn't even handle Shingo's powers, how are you going to survive on us?"

"Listen blondie, people shows their true strength when they're protecting someone. I wasn't protecting anyone earlier that's why I didn't releases all of my strength. Now that I have someone to protect..." He looks at Akashi before looking back at the two. "...I'll make sure to beat you two into pulp!"

"Interesting. Now come! Kiiro Yamaguchi." Nino started taunting him.

Kiiro was about to dash when all of a sudden...

"YAMETE! ~" A horny noise came out of nowhere.

"What the heck was that?" Alex wondered.

Kiiro looks at the end of the road behind Nino, and sees Shiro with his hands on his hips.


The two enemies turned around, only to see the other members of Shonen Team.

"Impossible!" Nino's eyes widened.

Akashi grunts.

Kiiro turns around to see Akashi, but he was already on Kiiro's side.

"I thought I would keep acting unconscious for more minutes. Thanks for carrying me, man." Akashi taps Kiiro's shoulder. "You guys were way too late!" He shouted.

"Shut up! Be thankful that we came!" Shiro shouted back.

The other members walked towards them, trapping Nino and Alexander.

"Tables have been turned, run or be defeated." Haise said.

"Don't get so confident now that you're all here." Alexander said before laughing.

"I give you my credits for managing to laugh despite being near death." Aoi said.

"Us? Near death?" Nino laughs. "It's the other way around."

"And what makes you say that, lady?" Shiro glares at him.

"I may be a girl, but I am enough to destroy all of your lives." Nino glares back.

"Enough!" All of them turned their direction after they heard the noise, it was Shingo who's walking towards their position.

"Let us introduce ourselves to the other members first. My name's Shingo Takagi, a pleasure to meet you all." He offers a handshake.

Aoi shaked his hand. "My name's Aoi."

"No need to explain your side, we all know you already. I'm Nino, just Nino."

"So you don't have a surname?" Shiro asked.


"Why though?"

"Some reasons." Nino winked.

Disgust has been planted on Shiro's face.

"HOH!" Haise suddenly shouted.

"Why would you shout all of a sudden, idiot?!" Shian elbows Haise's stomach.

"Ack- ! It was him- the guy I met yesterday- " Haise said as he points at Shingo.

"Oh yes, hello there Haise." Shingo waves at him and Haise waves back.

"And I'm Alexander. I'm from US, that is why I kind of don't look like a monkey." Alex smirks.

"Because you are a monkey already." Aoi said causing the Shonen Team to make a noise.


Alexander laughs. "Interesting. That was a good one, Aoi." He shakes Aoi's hand.

"Thanks. Your roast was good too."

"Now that we've introduced ourselves. I want you all, to meet us at your school. Morning, 9:00 am. We'll be there." Shingo said before turning around. "Nino, Alexander, let's go."

The three of them walked off.

"We will come." Akashi said. He then turns to them. "Everyone, let's prepare for tomorrow. Let's put this battle to an end."

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