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I woke up, the sun shining in my eyes, the sound of cars passing my house could be heard, and the soft sound of birds singing to one another were also heard outside. I stretched, rolled out of bed, rubbed my eyes, walked over to my vanity mirror, sat down in my seat, and grabbed my hairbrush. I brushed the tangled mess I called my hair, I winced a little whenever I struggled to get one of the knots out. Once I was done with brushing my hair, I put in my ladybug earrings and then headed downstairs to join my parents for breakfast. I smiled as I sat down at the table. "Sleep well?" asked my father as I nodded, "I had a dream about a unicorn," I said shoveling some eggs into my mouth, "are you excited about tomorrow?" my mother asked as I smiled and nodded. "Oh, my baby girl is turning eleven tomorrow! Where have the years gone?!" mother exclaimed as I giggled, "mom! I'm not a little girl anymore!" I joked as they laughed, "what's on the agenda today darling?" my mother asked my father who checked his watch, "that's up to the two of you" he spoke as he got up and slid on his suit jacket, "I've gotta get to the office. Otherwise, the boss will have my hide for being late" he spoke as my smile faded, he gave mom a kiss and then kissed my forehead before leaving. Mom looked over at me, "how about we go to the park today?" she spoke as I smiled at her, I ran upstairs and got changed.

~The next day~

I was sitting on the couch in the lounge watching tv when I heard the sound of the mail being dropped off. I walked over to the front door, picked up the mail, shuffled through the mail, and saw there was a letter for me. I walked into the lounge, gave my father the mail, sat down, and opened my letter. "You've got a letter? Who's it from dear?" asked my mother as I read the contents of the letter.

Dear Ms. Grace,We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall.

My mother let out a gasp, "we have a witch in the family!" she exclaimed as I cocked my head to the side. Father just remained quiet, "isn't it wonderful darling?" she looked at him, he just stared at me as if I were some type of freak. I soon found myself feeling less loved by him as he stared at me, I hid behind my mother who stared back at my father. "Izzy, darling. Go upstairs" she spoke as I nodded and ran upstairs. From my room, I could hear my mother and father shouting at one another. This wasn't the first time I had to listen to them argue, there had been times before, like one time. I was being bullied at school, I had thought about the girl who was bullying me breaking her arm and the next day. She shoved me off of the swings and then had broken her arm. She tried to say that I had done something to her, in return had caused my parents to argue that very night. "I don't want that freak to be living in this house with us Samantha!" I heard my father shout as I grabbed my stuffed bunny and climbed under my bed. I curled up, held my bunny close to me, and closed my eyes. I soon fell fast asleep under the bed, I woke up the next morning in my bed, I got out of bed, brushed my hair, and walked downstairs. My mother was in the kitchen, an ashtray in front of her, and cigarette lit, I watched as the very thin line of smoke came off the cigarette, "mommy?" I asked as he jumped, she quickly put out the cigarette and smiled at me. "What is it dear?" she asked as I walked up to her, her eyes had been red and puffy from crying. I walked up to her and hugged her tightly. She chuckled, pulled away, and cupped my face. "I've sent them your letter through an owl," she spoke as she looked at the other letter that was in the envelope that came with my acceptance letter.

"It says we can go to a place called Diagon Alley...perhaps we should get everything you need so you can start school this year" she spoke as I nodded. I walked upstairs, changed out of my pajamas, and then walked downstairs. We climbed onto a bus and went to London.

~Diagon Alley~

I was in the robe shop getting sizes, I smiled as I watched the measuring tape take my measurements without anyone holding onto it. "You act as you've never seen magic before" spoke a young boy with blonde hair, "I haven't..." I told him as a man with long white hair walked up, he just stared at me as I watched the measuring tapes, once that was done and I had bought my uniform, my mother and I went to Ollivanders where I could get my wand. "Hogwarts?" asked an older man as I nodded, "I've just the thing" he spoke as he walked over to a box, "acacia, 12 inches, unicorn hair, slightly flexible," he spoke as he handed me the wand, I looked at it and then at him. "Give it a wave" he spoke as I jumped slightly, I gave the wand a wave and a flame on a candle grew larger, "nope...that's not the one" he spoke as he took it out of my hand. This went on until he handed one to me. "Cedarwood with a phoenix feather core, 13" and slightly springy flexibility" he spoke as I wrapped my fingers around it. I took a deep breath as what felt like sunlight filled my entire body, "that appears to be the one" he spoke as I smiled at him, we then paid for the wand and then headed home. I stayed awake that night reading up on everything I could, I read about an evil wizard named Voldemort and about how a baby boy named Harry had defeated him eleven years ago, I also read up on a few spells. Like Lumos, Nox, Accio, and a few others. I had ended up falling asleep with my book of spells in my lap.

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