Outer and error are friends?

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It was one of those days that error decided to visit outertale. He sat out there on the edge, most don't come out there because they were afraid to fall into the void.

Well except two people, error and outer himself.

While error was just staring at the stars with a hint of a smile, outer was just going to the usually spot when he spotted error. Error? What is error doing in outertale? Outer thought both curious and wary.

Outer got closer, "so you like looking at the stars too?" Outer asked error who tensed up a bit.

Error looked back to see the sans of outertale staring at him with a smile on his face. Error ignored him as outer sat down near him.

So outer and error just sat there for a little bit, staring up at the stars.

And it stayed silent a little bit longer before ones mouth opened and- "so error, do you come here often?" Outer asked error.

Error nodded a bit at that, still staring up at the stars.

"Hmm...well your welcomed back here anytime." Outer told error who finally looked away from the stars and to outer himself.

Error blinked with surprise, "really? I thought you would have called ink and told me to stay away from your au."

Outer blinked this time and shook his head, "nah, everyone deserves a chance no matter what they had done. That's one of the things my bro taught me, he's the coolest."

Error just stared at outer for a few seconds, making outer sweat drop at the attention error was giving him.

Then error nodded and looked away and to the stars once more.

Outer wondered if maybe they could become friends and find the real reason that error destroyed.

Because he can't just be a mindless destroyer like ink says if he's just watching the stars and hasn't attempted to kill him yet.

So he will find out why error destroys sooner or later, til then, error won't be harmed in his au and he's making his au a neutral one.

So anyone can come here and relax. No fighting involved unless they want to be kicked out of his au until they calm down and all.

So if anyone even tried fighting, he would protect the one that's being attacked and kick the attacker out of his au.

Outer decided and nodded to himself..

"So do you want to be friends? You don't have to if you don't want to." Outer started out.

Error glanced at outer again with more surprise, "oh uh sure? We can be friends I guess..."

Outer smiled with a delighted look, "thanks. So you and anyone else is welcomed back here anytime. My au is going to be a neutral grounds so anyone can be here without fear of being attacked unless they want to get kicked out of my au for a time being."

Error nodded and went back to looking at the stars again.

Then Outer thought...this friendship..it won't be completely easy to hide it but it will be worth it. He's sure they won't mind, After all what's the worse that can happen?

Unknown to outer he shouldn't have thought that because later on he will look back to this moment and said I should have stayed quiet because of all the chaos that will happen later on when everyone finds out they are friends but thinks they are dating.

Finally finished with 583 words! Yes! Hope you all like it and comment what you think!

Ja ne~!

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