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The man in the crimson red spacesuit watched the pink mass drift off into space, his stance rigid, his hands clasped tightly behind his back. It seemed almost a peaceful sendoff, he was glad, considering it was the best he could give her. The SpaceStation had been in operation for almost a year now and he hadn't even spoken to her once, not since the first day at least.
Initiation day.
Not that that mattered to him, that is how the Station operated- limited interaction to ensure everything ran as smoothly as possible.
Which is why everything about this was so confusing. She knew her job, she knew what she was doing, so how could this have occurred?
After her body had been discovered he had gone through her files but there wasn't much about her.

Name: Peony

AstroSuit Color: Pink

Profession: Reactor Engineer

Reason: "Sometimes earth is just too much, ya know?"

He grimaced at the irony but couldn't afford to worry about it now. He turned to the man behind him. The man was wearing a light blue space suit- perhaps a cyan color.

"Are you sure about the cause of death?" the man in the red suit asked quietly.

The man in the cyan suit nodded almost too enthusiastically, considering the situation, "Yes Commander General.. sir"
He was holding a white clipboard, and clicking a pen nervously over and over again.

The Commander sighed heavily and shook his head, glancing at the girl's body slowly drifting out in space, you could hardly see it at this point. She was living among the stars now.

The Commander pulled himself to his full height and looked down at the man in the cyan suit.
"I am sorry to hear about the tragic accident that befell the astronaut in the pink suit while she was working," he paused for a moment running his hand through his long but cleanly kept, salt and pepper hair, "do you understand, doctor?"

The doctor nodded vividly, "Yes sir, of course sir."

"You are dismissed, please continue with your duties"

The cyan doctor turned sharply on his heels and almost raced towards the door.

"Oh and doctor?" The Commander said.

"Yes sir?" the doctor squeaked, turning back towards the Commander.

"Make sure the others understand too" the Commander said, his face drilled into a hard unreadable line.

"Yes, of course sir" the doctor said and fled the room.

The Commander General stared out the front window of the SpaceStation for a long while that night. He knew he must get back to his duties soon but everything felt wrong. In the entire year he had spent running this Station nothing like this had ever happened. His Station ran as smoothly as any SpaceStation in existence and he prided himself on that. This was the goal, to ensure the Station continued to run. Nothing else matters.
He glanced out the window for the last time.

Not even the lives of our own, he thought.
There are 11 other workers on this ship- the loss of one will not matter much. I will find someone else to take upon her duties and we will continue to run smoothly.
The only way to deal with this is to continue on as if nothing happened at all, the Commander thought, and to ensure that it doesn't happen again.

-- First part posted! 

The next, actual chapters, are gonna be much longer- don't worry. 
I'm really excited for this story. I think it's gonna be really fun. I can't wait for you to meet all the characters!

 I hope whoever is reading this has a great day :)

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