April 2019 Pt. 1

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Time flew faster than you could ever imagine. You and Brittany spent every second you could together, which included her taking off of work to fly to Oahu to be with you before you left. That was one of the biggest reasons why it was so hard living on a different island than everyone else. You had to say goodbye to your parents before everyone else. To your grandma. Your brother.

Your brother. He was probably one of the hardest ones to say good bye to. He's 10 years and 2 days younger than you. On your 10th birthday your mom had gone into false labor and you called her and told her to keep him in because you didn't want to share your day.

And she did. Granted, it was braxton hicks. And it wasn't her choice to 'keep him in' but nonetheless your 10 year old self was happy.

He was sad that you were leaving. You spent a lot of time away from home just being in the military that you've missed out on countless baseball games and soccer matches. But he understood.

You remembered one year on the fourth of July, you were hanging out with him at the Queen Shops waiting for the fireworks show to start and that's when he ran into one of his teachers. You three started a conversation, when he quickly left to use the bathroom.

'Your brother talks about you all the time,' She told you. 'He looks up to you. I'm sure he doesn't tell you that often.'

And he didn't. But hearing it from the teacher who happened to be his favorite, was a huge compliment.

When you told him goodbye, it was one of the hardest things you had to do. You hugged him, and didn't want to let go.

But you had to. And every step he took as he and your parents walked away after dinner hurt.

You reminded yourself. It's just a year. Because in reality, what was a year right? You've been away from home before. You'd have wifi to call and you had FaceTime and social media to keep up with him. Hopefully that would be enough.


The week you spent with Brittany in Oahu was like a dream. The two of you made it everything you've ever wanted and more. Dates, sleepless nights and visiting family before heading on your journey.

And eventually, it was time. And you were scared. There you were, in your uniform at your unit waiting to say goodbye to the love of your life. But, it would only be a few months because your SGTs told you that the unit would be getting leave before you headed into Afghanistan.

'We're gonna be alright babe' You told her. She was crying.

Brittany had been strong up until this point. You knew that it was selfish. Selfish of you to ask her to wait for you. Your life together had barely begun and here you were, leaving for a year.

For a deployment overseas. And the one thing you understood was that anything could happen.

And that included getting injured, and even dying.

It was something that you understood all too well. But it was something that Brittany was trying to get used to, and it didn't come easy for her.

She wanted you home in one piece and you knew that was something you couldn't promise her.

Your answer was always the same. 'I'll do my best babe.'

It was the best answer that you could give her.

Time winded down. The announcement was made.

'10 minutes until weapons draw. Please take this time to tell your loved ones goodbye.'

Your heart began to hurt. And you could only imagine what it was doing to Brittany.

'I'll be back in your arms before you know it babe.

Your friend Sebastian was also deploying with you, which you found comfort in. You two have been friends for nearly 13 years now. His husband, Hunter, went to high school with you. They got married a few years ago, and you were included in the wedding party.

It made it a little easier for you and Sebastian, to know that Brittany and Hunter would have each other in the coming hours. It was much better than them having to bare that sadness alone.

You walked with Brittany out to Hunter's car, where you would be telling her bye. You turned to see your friends hugging, a tight embrace.

Brittany grabbed your hands and looked into your eyes. It was the most heartbreaking thing. The sadness filled her, and she began to tear.

'It's gonna be okay baby. I'll call you everyday. I promise okay? A few months then I'll be with you again.'

You grabbed her waist, and hugged her tight.

'I love you.'

You didn't want to let go. You couldn't. But you had to. You and Sebastian had a few minutes to get back before weapons draw began.

Before they left, you hugged Hunter, thanking him for letting Brittany stay the night with him. You knew how hard it was going to be for both of them. Sebastian hugged Brittany, and said goodbye.

Your other halves got into the car and you watched them drive away.

You both stood there for a few seconds, regaining your composure. It was go time, and there was no turning back now.


April 2019 is going to be in 2 parts, it would've been too long for one chapter.

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