Bus talks and a New Friend

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  Note- The picture to the side is Cassie and is played by Sara Paxton

"Wake up!! or I'm going to have to pour water all over your face and pull off your sheets!" my mom yells to me even though she is in the hallway right outside my door. 

"I'm up" I grumble back to my mom.   

Damn, I have a pounding headache and try to shake away the nightmare that lingers in my head. Okay, just breathe. The first day at school, I can get through this.  I sat up and looked over my room again, I really need to decorate this place, maybe put up some posters. Well, I can be hopeful because today is Friday and put up decorations later on in the weekend. I looked over to my clock, Shit I'm going to be late. I quickly grabbed a pair of dark navy jeans, one of many band shirts, along with my bag. 

"Got to go, love ya." I shout to my mom as I run down the stairs. 

"Enjoy school and try to not get in trouble today" 

"I make no promises" I yell back to her as I close the door.

I got to the bus stop while the bus was just starting to leave and being me, tried to jump in front of the bus. Thankfully, it stopped before it reached me but the bus driver  glared at me while I got on. I jumped on the bus and was about to sit down when I heard,

"New girl"

I looked up and was staring into the eyes of a bunch of students in uniforms. I looked over the entire bus and found everyone but me, were wearing uniforms. 

"Are you going to sit down or am I going to catch you when you fall head first into the bus when he starts driving?" saids a girl with blonde hair next to me.

I quickly sit down next to her and the bus starts to drive to school. 

"So, did you know that when a person first meets someone it sets a chemical reaction in your brain to talk to them and to avoid an awkward silence at all possible" the girl says. 

"It does?" I didn't know who this girl was but at least I could meet someone new and well, I hated awkward silences so I just went along with it. 

"Oh.. I don't know but people hated awkward silences so I should say something like how my name is Cassie, she said happily. 

"Well, It's nice to meet you, you are now the first official person I know here. My name is Sophy but people call me Soph" 

"Ok nice to meet you Soph and can I ask you who are they" pointing to my shirt. 

I look down at my shirt and realize I'm wearing one of my PATD shirts with Too weird to live,too rare to die! album on the cover. Man, I hope this is school a- Oh wait they're in uniforms of course it isn't . I look up at Cassie and realize I didn't answer her question. 

"They're Panic at the Disco"  

"Hmm, did you not know what shirt you  were wearing?"

"How did you know?" I asked confused. 

"I just know these things, and they look cool" 

"Well they are and there one of my favorite bands"  

The bus stopped and I realized we were at school and everyone was getting off the bus.

"Hey we're here good luck on your first day, hey you don't happen to have World History with Ms.Riggs do you?" 

"I don't know I'm getting my papers today , but hopefully see you soon." 

I watched her leave the bus and followed soon after and I started feeling okay and I figured Cassie might become a good friend in the future. I got off the bus and started making my way to the main office to get signed in. Oh, I hope this day goes by quick. 

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